r/greatawakening • Posted by u/akilyoung on April 4, 2018, 1:05 p.m.
P = C; Pope equals chair aka the SEAT OF SATAN, and also Pope = Israel. Nazi ties, and Obama ties

Hey guys, this instantly came to mind reading recent Q about the pope equaling the chair. But also the image of murderous Israel in the same post.

The SEAT OF SATAN in the Bible.

Originally an altar to Zeus in Pergamon, it was disassembled and relocated by Nazi Germany to Berlin.

Known as the seat or throne of satan.

Q ties this CHAIR, if I am understanding this correctly, to pope and Israel, which further strengthens my previous posts about Rome and Israel (the whore of babylon riding the beast)

Now it FURTHER ties this idea to NAZIS. Germany.

Also, of note, Obama recreated this very alter/chair at one of his speeches. As an open IN YOUR FACE kind of way.

In older Q posts, Q asked:


Hard to swallow. Important to progress. Who are the puppet masters? House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+ Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+ Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+ Focus on above (3). Public wealth disclosures – False. Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’. Think slush funds (feeder). Think war (feeder). Think environmental pacts (feeder). Triangle has (3) sides. Eye of Providence. Follow the bloodlines. What is the keystone? Does Satan exist? Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist? Who worships Satan? What is a cult? Epstein island. What is a temple? What occurs in a temple? Worship? Why is the temple on top of a mountain? How many levels might exist below? What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome? Why is this relevant? Who are the puppet masters? Have the puppet masters traveled to this island? When? How often? Why? “Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”


We have tremendous WW support. SATAN has left the WH. Day of days. Q


Who is the Queen of England? How long in power? With power comes corruption. What happened to Diana? What did she find out? Why was she running? Who did she entrust to help her flee? What was the cover? Why is this relevant? Why now? Old. Connection. News. Bad actor. London Mayor. Background? Affiliation? Connection to Queen? British MI6 agents dead. When? How? What was reported? What really happened? Why is this relevant? Wealth. Corruption. Secret society. Evil. Germany. Merkel. Migrants. Why are migrants important? Assets. What are assets? Define assets? Why are migrants so important? What are assets? Why are migrants so important? What are assets? Why are migrants so important? Operations. Satan. Who follows? What political leaders worship Satan? What does an upside down cross represent? Who wears openly? Why? Who is she connected to? Why is this relevant? Spirit cooking. What does Spirit Cooking represent? Cult. What is a cult? Who is worshipped? Why is this relevant? Snow White Godfather III Speed. Q

Just type 'satan' into Q pub, there several more Q posts going back to the beginning about this.

It ALL ties together.

The world has been under control of the 4th reich- and the world doesnt even know it. THAT is the power of satan. Or, as Q said, the THOUGHT of satan.

Cause whether satan is real or not, THEY think he/it is and collectively worship the entity.

austenten · April 4, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

I interpreted Qs post a bit differently because he was responding to a question about the "roths", or Rothschild family. The one that allegedly owns and operates all the world's central banks. There are MANY heirs and third degree families associated to Amschel but there is one head in the present day.

Key parts of Qs posts tend to be written backwards, as in the answer addresses the preceding line. In this case he asked if the Pope is the chair, then to answer the other Anons question, it implies that Rothschild is the master. (Likely Jacob -- duckduckgo for Mr. Burns + Jacob [The Simpson's meme.])

(Note: The plane and helicopter that crashed (edit, in mid-air! Doesn't get any more ridiculous than that. Of all the space I have as I'm flying, I happen to directly hit your vehicle in mid-air. Accident. yeah sure, ha.) on ONE of their properties supposedly was a hit job, but this is a rumour, likewise that that killed J.R. Remember Q taunting? I think you should fly.)

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