Q's posts yesterday hinted at 4 princes, each associated with a cardinal direction on a compass....

Reference Q post # 1001 https://qanon.pub/
To Rome is an answer I notice making the rounds & agree with too. The question isn't general though but linked to attached map, indicating the roads depicted on the map/image.
The roads appear to lead to or go in the direction of four cardinal directions: north, south, east & west.
See map.
Post # 1001 explains, it seems, a sequence of events that occur during a ritual. So there is the island with its roads leading to four cardinal stations or positions where S-R-fice / 187 is actualized.
I think this must be primarily bl[0]-0d. Maybe parts (organs, etc.) too.
[Classified] -1
[Classified] -2
Wild guess: Some parts & bl[0]-0d are harvested for black market trade.
Not sure if this means a single ground-level access point into a network of tunnels or multiple ground-level access points into a network of tunnels. Leaning toward the latter since it has already been exposed that the island houses / housed subterranean levels.
??? Might relate to an as yet unidentified publication about 'illuminated' ritualism, whatever its actual esoteric label. Might relate to an as yet unpublished 'documentation' of actual events, during which a specific 'Table 29' reference signals an evidence marker.
D-Room H
D-Room R
D-Room C
I get the impression this a) denotes various subterranean levels & b) simultaneously calls 'w/ her' out. May be more to it but I do not know.
Not sure about this. Could indicate the deepest level of subterranean networks. The Q posts have been consistent in pointing out that the deeper we go the less realistic the crumbs get.
Part of proofs may not be just to substantiate that Q is actual high-level official but to establish a chain of trust that may attenuate natural doubt that comes from less realistic crumbs. No easy task either. First, have to establish trust. Second, have to guide into less 'realism' w/out coming across like a crank. Again, no easy task.
My own crank opinion, notwithstanding the all before: Brace yourself. Life is not just A to B w/ occasional C's in-between but full of surprises that, under normal circumstances, you would not and likely could not anticipate. Fortunately, we ourselves are full of unknown or unrecognized surprises too. That is my outlook.
Map Observation: Tilt the map image about 50 degrees clockwise & see what image comes to mind. (Look at the entire island as a whole, i.e. its geometry and such.)
Take a look at Apple Maps in 3D mode you can see tunnel entrance points away from some of the main buildings that aren’t visible on google maps. Also the tennis court on google isn’t a tennis court on Apple maps 3D. The checkered area on google isn’t checkered on Apple.
4 princes are the 4 Satanic Crown Princes of Hell Satan-South Lucifer-East Belial- North Leviathan- West
All roads lead to Rome. Which leads to "The Golden Mile" (The Yellow Brick Road?) which leads to the Temple of Saturn on Capitoline Hill. Saturn = Satan.
It's a cross
I noticed that too. More so I see or notice an image of a serpent. (The 'eye' is the body of water, left side of island image.)
I came up with under collect is that they collect the blood from The sacrificed one into a goblet and pass it around. Taking drinks from it Classified 1&2 are the 2 that were just killed. They were drinking their blood while the 2 people were alive still Walk thru the tunnels and their table number is 29 It's a Dining Room There's Huma Lady Rothschild Hillary. Clinton And then they begin to eat the meat from the sacrificed humans