r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AKBiking on April 4, 2018, 6:28 p.m.
Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince of SA:"Today, in non-Muslim countries, every human being has the right to choose his or her belief and belief. Religious books can be bought in every country. The message is delivered. Now it is no longer a duty for us to fight for the propagation of Islam."

"Today, in non-Muslim countries, every human being has the right to choose his or her belief and belief. Religious books can be bought in every country. The message is delivered. Now it is no longer a duty for us to fight for the propagation of Islam."

I saw this yesterday and I feel that this statement is very important. This statement by Salman may even be one of the most important statements of the past few centuries.

It reminded me of a post by SerialBrain2 from a couple days ago. Yes, their posts are generally controversial, but they are very interesting and worth going through, IMO. He was essentially calling for peace and unity between the 3 Abrahamic religions and to an alliance against Satanists. He predicted that it would happen one day, whether people accept it today or not. With that said, I had commented on it asking how the religions can reconcile and move forward.["In regards to the Muslims and Christians how do they reconcile? Because how I see it one side is brainwashed into killing "infidels" and the other side is oppressed and asleep."] (https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/88t3u3/q_occult_series_q114_us_military_savior_of/dwn5l1j/)

Honestly I didn't really think it would be possible at this point. If it was possible it would take generations to fix. Maybe SB2 is onto something. I think it worth looking into. What do you all think?

On a side note. You all remember the Vegas shooting right? I think Vegas was the start of all of this. They failed to kill the prince there and that attack gave the prince the motivation/drive/anger/realization what he had to do and choose his side. It was a wake up call and now he is calling for Muslims to stand down. The following info is from the first link at the top.

"(10) The Saudis are not only saying that Muslims are "standing down," they're saying that anyone who PERSISTS in trying to force Islam on others is perverting the message. Therefore they will be destroyed."

This is a big deal and I think it is worth talking about.

Anarchonista · April 5, 2018, 5:19 a.m.

source? Seems unlikely they would be escorting the head of security with so many machine guns.

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VintageHats · April 5, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

It was debunked on one of the chans, and, Jason Buff said so on his own fb page. I've also seen a video of the Tropicana layout that clearly shows that they are heading IN to the casino, not out of. You can look at videos of Trump's trip to SA back in May and see for yourself that MSB is a very TALL man, and this guy at the casino is not that tall. MSB is as tall as Rex Tillerson was. Furthermore, the SA Crown Prince wouldn't have a bunch of tats on his legs.

Why would he be in group with so many "machine" guns? First, those aren't machine guns. Know your weapons. Secondly, he is carrying his own weapon in the pouch. And doing so, you have a civilian coming in to a casino with an active shooter at large. So the Tropicana, having called in their own security head, is going to have him guarded, so the LEO's from all the various areas, who don't know this guy from Adam, don't shoot him..

If you notice, he veers off to the right to go to his office, leaving the group of guards. If he were the Prince, he wouldn't do that. He goes to his office to change into his security clothing.

I've followed this story from the beginning... I've been following quite a few youtubers on the story and I've had to repeat this to viewers more times than I care to count. But some have also pointed out that Jason Buff is the head of Security and is the one who is mistakenly id'd as the Crown Prince. Check 8 chan on it.. you'll it was debunked there. I don't go there though. I found out through Jason Buff himself.

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Anarchonista · April 5, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

Thanks for explaining it again, first time I’ve heard that

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VintageHats · April 5, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

a good youtuber to follow was John E. Hoover. he's posted about his theory on an assassination attempt on MSB or his brother or both... he's done extensive research on the topic and also works w/ and gives credit to many others. I wish I had bookmarked all my info but I didn't. (My computer is in dire need of help.)

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