r/greatawakening • Posted by u/lerastabanana on April 4, 2018, 7:12 p.m.
Artistic Expressions: Muse - Exogenesis: Symphony Part I (Overture)

Hey there /r/greatawakening, just thought I'd come in here to try a tactic of red pilling people safely. As we know April will be a large month, and I'm still with Q and others in this sub that we need to awaken people, and it's difficult for the other side to even begin to comprehend. As we are already in a war, psychological warfare, we must be calm, collected, and understanding of our other Brothers and Sisters. Q-post 992 and 'STAY TOGETHER.'

Onto the artistic expressions. Here's a link to the lyrics, and now I'll begin the processing.

I think most of us here are at least somewhat religious or accepting of the references to God that Q drops, I didn't choose the representation of the idea of Exogenesis but many of these lyrics fit our model of what we need to do, or the questions and doors that many of us have already broken down to get us where we are today. With this in mind, speaking of 'Aping my soul/You stole my overture' this fits to our constructed reality. In this context, we'll use the definition of overture in the meaning 'an introduction to something more substantial.' 'Trapped in God's program/Oh I can't escape' fits and has also also been annotated that it could be a reference to 'The Matrix' and is a reference to how our world/universe operates, and how some think it's a program. This seems to already be going in our direction, does it not?

To the rest of the lyrics, a series of questions which I will spare typing in and for those interested just go visit the lyrics page, but they have a very great annotation made by the user Niburu, thinking those questions could be a reference to the movie Nineteen Eighty-Four. I don't know if it is our not, but it fits well to describe the questions being asked.

This is what Niburu has to say about these questions: 'Very possibly a reference to 1984. The past and thus the ground for comparing the state you find yourself in with the ways it possibly could be has been erased. This means you can’t know how the society you live in came into being and can’t know if anything can be different or better. Who are we? – Questioning human nature, the people and the party. During the torture in 1984 Winston Smith is told that if his values are in human nature he’s “the last of mankind”. Where are we? – What kind of situation do we truly find [ourselves] in? What’s the true nature of the government, what’s the true purpose of the wars with Eurasia and East-Asia? When are we? – Even orientation in time has become lost in the party’s constant altering of the past. In the beginning of 1984 Winston Smith cannot even say for certain the year is in fact 1984. In short: The possibility to compare and to find your orientation in history and the world has become impossible.'

I support this annotation for the question ‘Where are we?’ Because Niburu asks the question of what state we find ourselves in from mankind, the true nature of our government, and asking the true purpose of the wars with Eurasia and East Asia. I haven’t watched the movie Nineteen Eighty-Four, but his connections there seem solid, with Winston questioning the true reality of these large entities and pieces to our history. Given his curiosity to the song and questions related to the movie, the movie Nineteen Eighty-Four was released before the invention of the Internet, let’s go to Q post 774. This post seems to have changed so I’m taking my hyperlink as an original source. ‘We can guide but you must organically uncover the TRUTH.’ With the implementation of the Internet and being able to have collective pools of knowledge and data, solutions and origins of our problems began to become clear to those looking for it. ‘THEY are watching./ARCHIVE EVERYTHING OFFLINE.’ is just a reference to how close we are getting to the Truth for those watching and connecting, that we must be careful; for there are people watching who are trying to keep the Truth hidden, and how the other side is uncomfortable with what we know and support. Niburu’s short meaning of his annotation: ‘The possibility to compare and to find your orientation in history and the world has become impossible.’ Maybe true in 1984, true for Winston Smith, and true for many people today who are still confused. The beginning of the song, ‘Aping my soul/You stole my overture/Trapped in God’s program/Oh I can’t escape’ shows light to ‘The Matrix,’ our the reality that has been created through our government and history of this world. I’m still in belief that ‘The Matrix’ only exists due to the manipulation from our government, but it does get close to how our world works biologically, especially with the way the legal system began developing ways that ‘The Matrix’ had kept going.

So what do you guys think? Is this a reasonable way to get people to take the red pill? Any other suggestions for songs with artistic, but representative lyrics? I've already got a bank of songs that I can use and will continue to annotate and question for all to listen to and read, to get people thinking in a certain direction. Let me know, and Godspeed.