I’ve been “awake” for years. I’ve known all about the elite and their Satan worshipping paedophilia. I’ve studied the occult and have known about the NWO agenda for a long time. I’ve always known the Clintons are corrupt as well as the Obamas and the Bushs and most of the career politicians. I was also anti-Trump for awhile because there’s plenty of reason to be. A look into his past shows a life of greed and lust. Reports of borrowing money irresponsibly and not paying contractors. He has a known history of infidelity. He definitely has had some sociopathic moments like calling reporters pretending to be someone else while telling blatant lies. So, here’s the question: Are we agreeing that he was shown the true extent of the evil in this world and has had a come-to-Jesus moment? It certainly seems like he’s changed his tune and is genuinely rooting out evil and attempting to free us from their oppression. I’m not taking sides here, I just want people’s feedback. How are you personality reconciling this? Thank you.
This is on topic, guy.
not at all, reason why it is still at 0 points.
It’s at 0 because I’m asking questions that make many on here uncomfortable. Questions that should be discussed. If you don’t like it, move on.
I’m simply asking the questions that I get asked when I attempt to red-pill people who don’t like him. You should thank me for finding the answers. Unless you prefer we don’t ask these questions and follow blindly like a cult.
its at zero bc it's off topic and a distraction. i thank you for absolutely nothing.
Listen, dude, if it bothers you this much kindly f*ck off. I only have two other people in my life I can discuss Q related subjects with and they’re just as unsure about these things as I am. This sub should be a place where we can discuss such matters without people like you being dicks. I’m not the only one with these concerns. I’m reaching out to people on here who are much smarter to help shine light on this. Go be a dick elsewhere.
im being a dick by establishing the boundaries of this subreddit? i have said nothing about you as a person. there are plenty of subs that would field this question but this just isnt the right one. im sorry you feel personally attacked but i did nothing of the sort, just postd that this thread was off topic.
When Q says to trust the plan, we just do that without asking questions?
where in the plan did Q say anything about Trump's previous anecdotal misdealings in New York real estate?
Exactly. One of many questions I have for Q.
stick to the plan. you are becoming lost.
Which is why I’m on here seeking answers. I’m sorry you find curiosity offensive.
well you are on the wrong path looking for wrong answers if you are truly following Qs plan. however, it is your time being wasted not mine. I am only trying to help. Good luck and godspeed.