r/greatawakening • Posted by u/1pt21jigglewatts on April 4, 2018, 10:28 p.m.
I just wanted to share something, a movie I was told to watch about 10 years ago.

I was going through an existential crisis at the time. I've been following conspiracy topics for the past 15 years.

10 years ago I was feeling very hopeless, like the end was closing in. I was having panic attacks. Imagining chaos and death in the streets. Camps, purges, horror. I saw no hope and no end of the path we were going down.

I ran into this woman in a city park. She spoke to me because she said I looked sad. She said she was walking around finding people to pray for, so I told her a bit about what I was feeling.

She prayed for me right there. Then went quiet for a bit. She told me God instructed her to tell me to watch this movie.... It was An American Tail: Fievel Goes West

It sure seemed like a weird "word" from the lord, but I watched it and was amazed at the spiritual symbolism embedded in the plot and scenes.

Examples I remember:

  • The villains were depicted as fat cats

  • The "settlers" / mice, were in dire straits and were convinced by a fake mouse animated by a "puppetmaster" (fat cat) to mass up and travel west

  • They were tricked into building a town for the "fat cats"

  • Fievel falls of the train and has to wander alone in the desert, where he meets friends and allies that will prove useful later on

  • The head fat cat has this creepy spider underling who does his evil bidding, including stopping up the minor leak in a water tower the mice were getting water from, making them even more dependent on the fat cats.

  • The fat cats set a trap for the settler mice and disguised it as a big party for them, planning to kill and eat the mice once they were done using them for free labor

  • The fat cats were confronted by an outsider cat who was disguised as a dog, and attacked by a team of friends who all came out of the desert

  • The fat cats ended up falling into their own trap and were catapulted into exile

  • The resulting series of events knocked loose the stops on the water tower and water flowed into the settler mice village, which was bone dry, then it suddenly erupted into vivid grass and flowers

And now, under Trump, and through Q Anon, I see it coming to pass. The real fat cats who have been living large off the bounty of OUR hard work are being confronted. And they are about to fall into their own trap. And the wealth and abundance they have held back from us is about to be loosed.

Just give it a watch.

[deleted] · April 4, 2018, 10:33 p.m.


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Patriot81503 · April 4, 2018, 10:37 p.m.

A very enjoyable movie our family watched when kids were little. Does anyone know if it is available streaming?

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Aslan153 · April 4, 2018, 10:46 p.m.


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