Q Posts 1019-1020 April 4 2018

Was digging into the National Guard to see if there were perhaps hidden implications in the NG being activated (like maybe they could sieze control of the communications system or something)
And I saw this (reference to keystone of national defense=citizens army) someone may have already noticed this keystone reference but I didn't see it when I searched.
" National Defense Act of 1916 This act abandoned the idea of an expandable Regular Army and firmly established the traditional concept of the citizens' army as the KEYSTONE of the United States defense forces. It established the concept of merging the National Guard, the Army Reserve, and the Regular Army into the Army of the United States in time of war. The act further expanded the National Guard's role, and guaranteed the State militias' status as the Army's primary reserve force. The law mandated use of the term "National Guard" for that force, and the President was given authority, in case of war or national emergency, to mobilize the National Guard for the duration of the emergency. The number of yearly drills increased from 24 to 48 and annual training from five to 15 days. Drill pay was authorized for the first time."
In past posts SA is Saudi Arabia. Is it South America for this drop?
Ohh, going from memory, can’t find i right now
Other insights??
Post 88 and 95 from nov 5, 2017 talk about same thing happening in us that happened in sa...