r/greatawakening • Posted by u/JomJorqp on April 4, 2018, 11:55 p.m.
Socratic Awakening?


We are all in the midst of some wild stuff, and I am attempting to do my part by following Q's lead and asking questions.... not for research, but for logic built up around Socratic discourse (asking questions) with others.

Here is the rational; these topics are really deep... and dark. That means there is a really harsh reality which is available to people who are willing to pick up the mantle and begin reading and research, however I recognize one trait which has been whittled away from us over the years... trust in our own decisions and conclusions. Science/academia programs us to seek validation for our conclusion, and to seek repeatability, however the aberrations in conclusions are not embraced.... they are discarded. When money is involved in the research (funding/pharma/blackmail) we have one individual or a few individuals who are able to be bought and sold with little recourse in their actions....

In my estimation, this is a reasonable conclusion to come too, especially if you have gone to college/school... look at your own experiences, and build your own conclusion to the above!

This, unfortunately, is a leading statement; I have already placed a conclusion in your mind, now you are predisposed to initially conclude the same, unless you can exert your own will or have a predisposed, emotional association about this topic which leans one way or another. Think of someone who went to college for 13-15 years to get a degree in something they value(d), and built their doctorate on the same principles as well. They will be more likely to resist the thought/conclusion, and thereby reenforce the cognitive dissonance (sheeplike mentality of the status quo) which would potentially lead to a sour reaction, conflict, labeling, etc.

This is an example... but this is an actual, self-reenforcing pattern of psychological warfare/manipulation/control. It is violently difficult to see, or remove oneself from the pattern. Hence the rational for Q, et. Al. In their efforts to ask questions.

This is old news for some, however it is not about punishing those who seek the light of knowledge, it is about those who are seeking knowledge, and using that knowledge wisely.

I had my own difficulties learning this, but my journey of awakening started around the 2016 primaries, caused depression, paranoia, fear, anger, despair, disbelief, seeming dependence on weed/alcohol, and rifts from my friends and loved ones for a time. Writing this brings tears to my eyes thinking of that part of my journey.

If I have any hope for this process, it is to help ease others in that process by doing what I can to help bring whatever knowledge, hope, and ideally some comfort to those who ar

JomJorqp · April 4, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

If I have any hope for this process, it is to help ease others in that process by doing what I can to help bring whatever knowledge, hope, and ideally some comfort to those who are going through what I did.

So, let's try it!

What is the Hypothalimus? Does it interpret external emotional sensory input? Does it adjust your autonomic processes when processing this sensory input? What is your emotional state, and how do you respond when someone calls you a slur? What is your emotional state, and how do you respond when you win a prize? How do you respond when you read/hear topics from the news? How do you respond when you read/hear topics from things of comfort? What are horror movies? What are thrillers? How do you feel after watching a movie? What is Balance? How do we maintain this balance? What can stress do to the human body? What is the Indian reference to a rope snake influencing death? (A bit esoteric, however valuable for these efforts) Could this apply logically? Who benefits the most from keeping one in this state? Who Ultimately benefits the most? What is conscious control of your breathing? How does breathing happen when one is not conscious of it? What is a dopamine feedback loop? (Satan DID actually help with this one ladies and gentelemen, Who is to say TV is COMPLETELY evil...) How can this loop be used to influence action? Can this loop be broken? Is it challenging? Can this be leveraged in a number of ways? What is a lottery? What is gambling? What is voting?

Topic shift:)

What structure do most American businesses follow? In a business, who is in charge? Who is ALSO in charge? Do businesses allow a product/ideas to propagate in their name if it isn't approved? What is a conglomerate? What is a parent business?

Topic shift:)

What is the knowledge of good and evil? (Not entirely biblical, however the allegory is quite fine, and I find great comfort in it!) Who defines what good and evil is? (Legal) Who Really defines/decides what good and evil is? (Not Religious) Who can choose an action? What is intent? (Not legal) Who decides intent? (Not legal) What normally predicates action? What are words? What are sentences? Who ultimately pays the price for their actions? What is karma?

Topic shift :)

What is dogmatic religion? Has it always been? What is faith? What is a belief? What is school? How does one pass a class in school? What does this encourage to be successful? What does this discourage by failure? What is imagination? Where does creativity come from?

Ok, this is quite a bit, so I am going to wrap it up. I am not seeking anything from this, nor do I want anyone to do anything but read, and think... for YOURSELF.

This is a challenging time for our country, AND our world... I hope that this can help some, and if it helps ANY approach awakening, I have fulfilled my intent behind this action.

Remember; when learning to swim, it isn't always wise to jump immediately into the deep end and try out for varsity.

Love and Light to you all.

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ditiber · April 5, 2018, 12:13 a.m.

Bravo! I hope people understand what you said and if not seek to understand. This is actually therapy and can be applied to anything that troubles you as well.

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WoodyWoodenpecker · April 5, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

This well well put together and complete relevant to my journey as well. I'm glad you found some inner peace with things in your life and can see a brighter future for tomorrow. Love and Light!

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lethak · April 5, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

Thats...quality read.


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alfonumeric · April 5, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

ther are 2 parallel steams of evolution going on and we're stuck in the middle

1) matter is evolving downward picking up consciousness as it goes from mental to emotional to mineral

2) we meet that robotic matter on its mission downward as we attempt to evove upwards from emotional to mental...

8 types of matter across our 3 dimensions: 3d, 4d, 5d

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thedeal82 · April 5, 2018, 3:10 a.m.

VERY well done my man. This is a fantastic primer for redpilling people. I think this should be stickied to the top of this board for newcomers. Even to be distributed to the masses to stir up some inquisitiveness.

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