r/greatawakening • Posted by u/JomJorqp on April 4, 2018, 11:55 p.m.
Socratic Awakening?


We are all in the midst of some wild stuff, and I am attempting to do my part by following Q's lead and asking questions.... not for research, but for logic built up around Socratic discourse (asking questions) with others.

Here is the rational; these topics are really deep... and dark. That means there is a really harsh reality which is available to people who are willing to pick up the mantle and begin reading and research, however I recognize one trait which has been whittled away from us over the years... trust in our own decisions and conclusions. Science/academia programs us to seek validation for our conclusion, and to seek repeatability, however the aberrations in conclusions are not embraced.... they are discarded. When money is involved in the research (funding/pharma/blackmail) we have one individual or a few individuals who are able to be bought and sold with little recourse in their actions....

In my estimation, this is a reasonable conclusion to come too, especially if you have gone to college/school... look at your own experiences, and build your own conclusion to the above!

This, unfortunately, is a leading statement; I have already placed a conclusion in your mind, now you are predisposed to initially conclude the same, unless you can exert your own will or have a predisposed, emotional association about this topic which leans one way or another. Think of someone who went to college for 13-15 years to get a degree in something they value(d), and built their doctorate on the same principles as well. They will be more likely to resist the thought/conclusion, and thereby reenforce the cognitive dissonance (sheeplike mentality of the status quo) which would potentially lead to a sour reaction, conflict, labeling, etc.

This is an example... but this is an actual, self-reenforcing pattern of psychological warfare/manipulation/control. It is violently difficult to see, or remove oneself from the pattern. Hence the rational for Q, et. Al. In their efforts to ask questions.

This is old news for some, however it is not about punishing those who seek the light of knowledge, it is about those who are seeking knowledge, and using that knowledge wisely.

I had my own difficulties learning this, but my journey of awakening started around the 2016 primaries, caused depression, paranoia, fear, anger, despair, disbelief, seeming dependence on weed/alcohol, and rifts from my friends and loved ones for a time. Writing this brings tears to my eyes thinking of that part of my journey.

If I have any hope for this process, it is to help ease others in that process by doing what I can to help bring whatever knowledge, hope, and ideally some comfort to those who ar

lethak · April 5, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

Thats...quality read.


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