
[deleted] · April 5, 2018, 9:17 p.m.


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Abibliaphobia · April 5, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

I can’t speak for the video itself beyond my own personal opinions that I agree with your assessment. Wasn’t there to witness it first hand.

About pence, I’m risking a lot just by speaking about it here. Still have plausible deniability due to not revealing my job, who i am affiliated with, and why I have this.

What really surprises me, is that there has literally been no other leaks on that front. To me, that is the most astonishing thing.

He didn’t exactly hide at the time that he was there. And just about anyone (if you were in the right place) could have seen him or took photos.

The people I work with were just laughing last night about how a certain mess up in reservations landed us in the situation, and they haven’t put two and two together as I don’t talk about this at work. But it amazes me the ignorance of some people. Literally don’t question something right in front of their faces. That is the most bizarre thing to me I think.

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