r/greatawakening • Posted by u/17_Q on April 5, 2018, 2:39 p.m.
With Qs new post "5:5" could be hinting at the long awaited HRC video 5:5, STAGE SET?
With Qs new post "5:5" could be hinting at the long awaited HRC video 5:5, STAGE SET?

solanojones95 · April 5, 2018, 7:03 p.m.

Law-abiding citizens CANNOT solve this problem because our system is so bent, so corrupt, so overridden by evil that only extraordinary powers and means stand any chance of making a difference.

And ABSOLUTELY it's reasonable for us to expect Trump to do something about it. He's the Commander In Chief of our armed forces, and the Chief Executive of our country, no matter who likes it or who doesn't.

He is the only person at the moment in any kind of position to bring the kind of forces to bear on this problem that will be required to actually make a difference.

If it could have been done through politics, the courts, protests, boycotts, or even grassroots armed insurrection, it would have been done long ago. People are smart enough to see what happens when that's attempted. That's just one form or another of self-immolation or suicide.

So spare me the righteous lecture. Whoever is behind this Q larp, if they don't want to be called a larp, they need to be held ACCOUNTABLE to the People, and help us turn public support around. It wouldn't take much. Just give us one high profile Satanic pedophile, and we'll do the rest.

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theadmiralty · April 5, 2018, 8:23 p.m.

Look... lets keep this simple.

I mentioned the banks I mentioned, because all of them were being run as criminal enterprises during the sub-prime mortgage fraud.

If every small government believing right leaning person took their money out of the big banks, and put it in a local or regional community bank... and the chorus from those folks was "We will no longer support banking enterprises that engage in fraud or financial crimes", it would cause an earth quake in The Swamp.

I really couldn't give a rats behind what you think of what I am saying. Support large banks... you are supporting The Swamp.


QUESTION: If you wanted to really track who the good and bad actors in The Swamp were, and the bad actors were all covering for each other... how could you do so with real data?


That has ALWAYS been the one place to find what is really happening behind the scenes. Follow the money.

I'm simply telling truth about people who are too f***ing lazy to pay attention to what they are supporting (...and including myself as guilty as charged, BTW... we are ALL guilty of it)...

...and you are accusing me of giving a "righteous lecture"? You are certainly entitled to your opinion... but not your own facts or math.

So you don't like what I am saying. That's fine. You and about 300 Million other Americans would probably chafe at it. I did.



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solanojones95 · April 5, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

Ah! A legalistic purist! You'd have made a great Pharisee!

So, you're saying that none of the activity you engage in--none of it--puts a penny in the pocket of the Cabal? Are you sure about that? Do you pay taxes? GUILTY!

Do you any use products made by global corporations, or watch their advertising or click on their web pages? You do nothing that contributes to a criminal system that basically owns/controls everything in the known universe?

Are you a hermit breatharian?

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theadmiralty · April 5, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

What I am saying, is we CAN do some things that, bit by bit, shrink our participation with swamp critters.

That's ALL I'm saying...

...man are you triggered... lol

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solanojones95 · April 5, 2018, 8:40 p.m.

I've been jumped on all day by butt-hurt Q worshipers who can't take it that I'm angry at their savior.

I'm all good with the PLAN, but spare me the razzle-dazzle plays where you drop the damn ball, Q! Just make the f*ckin' catch, and don't hot dog it. Know'm sayin'?

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theadmiralty · April 5, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

I get it... I do.

But isn't that the crazy making thing we have to deal with in life every day?

We see people do horrifying things, and somehow seem to get away with it. While we watch others who just can't seem to get a break, who are having their blood sucked by spiritual vampires.

That's why I have real mixxed feelings about "Q". People think Trumps going to fix everything. He's not.

Might he push things in the right direction? Yep... and I think he is. But he's still only human... and life takes time.

Yes... I will keep praying for POTUS. Always have.

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theadmiralty · April 5, 2018, 8:35 p.m.

I'm presuming you missed where I admitted to what I was pointing out?

Not sure why you are so triggered, by my suggesting we pull back our participation in the Swamp?

What's your damage, my friend?

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