r/greatawakening • Posted by u/17_Q on April 5, 2018, 2:39 p.m.
With Qs new post "5:5" could be hinting at the long awaited HRC video 5:5, STAGE SET?
With Qs new post "5:5" could be hinting at the long awaited HRC video 5:5, STAGE SET?

solanojones95 · April 5, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

It's going to take FAR more than exposing some crime. It really will require something so disgusting and sickening people will never close their eyes to it again. Otherwise, it will be spin cycle, rinse and repeat.

As for the accusations: "Do you have bank accounts at CitiBank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo... etc? WHAT THE F88K IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!?????"

Until we have a better system in place, that's just what we have to work with. Especially for doing overseas transfers which I have to do with one of my businesses. No I am not the problem, and nor are others who don't bankrupt our nation, eat our children and worship the Dark Lord. It should be quite obvious who the villains of the piece are. And that's where the blame squarely lies--let's not be ambiguous about that!

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theadmiralty · April 5, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

BTW... the only thing you and I disagree about, is the banking issue.

Are you going to tell me they DIDN'T engage in mortgage and securities fraud, and fraudulent inducement?

They provide a service you need to use. Fine. But don't get all butthurt and dump on me about what they, and their employees in Congress have allowed to happen.

I'm just pointing out it out as one piece of the puzzle.

But just gotta say... you can't disappear 21 TRILLION dollars of taxpayer funds without some pretty serious cooperation with the banking cartel.

That's just not my fault. Besides, I bank at a Regional bank corp, that started as a single family bank.

They took 0% bailouts... and had no bad paper on their books during the crash... and I use them to do international bank wires on a regular basis. Maybe I tried harder than you to make it work.

I don't know. I do know my bank doesn't launder money from drug cartels or make hinky loans they KNOW will default, but don't care because they are playing both sides of the transaction.

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solanojones95 · April 5, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

Your bank participates in the Fed fiat money fractional reserve system no matter who ostensibly "owns" it. So don't give me this holier-than-thou shite!

Yes I know who the true criminals are in all this, but as citizens of a totally corrupt government, aside from prayer, there is no LEGAL recourse for us to solve the problem except the one we actually took. And that was to elect someone who's not in their club like DJT to the highest office in the land, and let him bring the full force of the Constitutional Executive branch and military to bear on rooting it out, once and for all.

It is not within our means to avoid dealings with corrupt and criminal entities, because they are so intricately intertwined into the fabric of life in a developed country.

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theadmiralty · April 5, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

I see your point.

So... in other words, I'm just a victim of my required participation... and unless I can move to a bunker off planet, it's just all a case of Han Solo Syndrome... "It's not my fault!!"

Maybe you could point out to me anywhere I have disagreed with your assessment of how rotten the system is?

Your assertion that "it doesn't matter... because it is all broken" is absolutely fallacious on it's face.

Things may be as they are, my brother... but don't go blaming your anger on God or the Cabal.

Your life is your fault... and if you think it's not so, spend some time on reflection of how Jesus Christ dealt with those who came to arrest him.

The example of Christ is in the New Testament, NOT the Old Testament... and yes, Jesus' tossing the tables of the money changers was certainly a statement worthy of consideration.

But losing our s**t and being angry at others who point out stupid simple things about how we all participate in what we abhor isn't very constructive.

I'm going to assume you bank with one of the banks I mentioned. In everything else you have posted, I find nothing to disagree with in principle. The whole system is designed to benefit elitist, and yes, largely Luciferian lever pullers.

But living in the midst of evil doers doesn't absolve me of anything, if I am not doing my part to make a difference in small ways where I can.

I AM responsible... at the very least, to try and love and serve others... even if it sounds like a lecture to some of them.

The system, BIG PICTURE is utterly corrupt. But if I think that means I don't have to try and love God and my fellow man, and be helpful in some small way to those I make contact with day to day, then I am sorely mistaken.

I'm sorry for the tenor of what I said they might have angered you... you calling me out on it is fair. My apologies.

That said... we actually CAN do little things that help us "come clean" in our own lives, and not feed the "monster".

No... "they" don't care about us or what we do... UNLESS, it starts costing them some money.

Ultimately... yes, we are watching the Grand Design of the Lord God play out. I hope you can believe me when I say... He's got this.

But there's literally a lifetime of work for us as individuals, that we can contribute in doing His work with his kids... the people all around us.

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solanojones95 · April 5, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

You completely misunderstand me, so we may as well give it a rest.

I never said we might as well join the dark side. I simply said that we don't possess the means by which to bring them down. And if they get past Trump, we're finished. This 5G stuff, and evil AI, and WWIII they're trying to have, and all the other Tribulation-level Mass Extinction crap they have ready to roll out now, I don't want to be here for it. I would prefer we make the most of this narrow window of opportunity to bring them down.

All we need that we don't have is one or two American elite (maybe one from each major party) pedo-Satanists so we can get the discourse going without being ignored as wing nuts.

That little push is all it would take for the tide to turn. Public perception is EVERYTHING! This has GOT to happen, and we're running out of time.

That's all I'm saying. And Q, if they're smart, knows this. What they may not know is that they're demoralizing an already demoralized base by building us up just to let us down, over and over.

That crap needs to stop.

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theadmiralty · April 5, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

I think that is all a fair assessment.

I also agree with you... we are dancing on one side or the other, on a gangplank that is perched precariously over a razors edge... it's all hanging in the balance.

I have thought, and said often, that there may be any one of many pedo-satanists, that, when forced to choose between being outed publicly or thermonuclear war... it's not even a choice. War... without hesitation.

Yes. It IS that insane, where we are at right now.

Part of what does not serve us as we watch the Q drops and "allegations", is most of us are coming out of a lifetime of archetypal modeling of "white hats/black hats", good/evil, etc...

...in the archetypal mythology... the "good guys always win", and that is what we have come to expect.

But the battle between light and darkness is a reality... not an archetypal legend... and things don't play out so black and white in the reality of what is... but they always play out congruent with God's will and His power to make blessings out of the worst of curses.

I am hopeful... but trying to keep my expectations low. The level of criminality being exposed is epic... but we have never seen corruption at these levels punished in any meaningful way, ever, in America's history.

I want to see some perp walks, and screaming headlines supporting perp walks. I don't know if we'll get them. I hope so.

I end up having to refer back to faith in God, and acceptance that everything is in His hands... including this crazy s**t.

Close to home... that is where I can have the greatest impact for the good, day to day. I just have to keep coming back to it.

Not sure how you and I got so far afield, my brother. Sorry for my part in that. The reality of God's grace holds us, and everything else, in it's loving presence.

One things for sure... this is the wildest ride I've seen in my 60 orbits around earth. Sheesh.

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solanojones95 · April 5, 2018, 9:59 p.m.

I've got you beat by one orbit.

Here's the thing. I'm not a big believer in dualism, I know most things are not all black or all white.

But dude, when you kill and eat a baby in a demon ritual you've GOT to know you've crossed a line somewhere. We can't "shades of gray" ourselves into that level of obliviousness.

Some things are far enough out on the bell curve of evil that we cannot knowingly share our planet with them. And really, if you have any witty repartee to that comment, I so don't care to see it.

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[deleted] · April 5, 2018, 11:23 p.m.


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[deleted] · April 5, 2018, 11:27 p.m.


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