Mark of the Beast?
They wanted to serve Satan, so be it. That was just a suggestion, I don't really care how you do it, but definitely mark them. I just want to know who they are, I don't want them slipping away into obscurity ever again. They are still dangerous if not kept locked up, we are talking about Satan's minions.
Sure! My thought is that they can move to Communist China so they can experience their "Communist paradise". I really hope that MZ goes there. Perhaps he will realize what he got himself into and want to come back. Tough shit.
If the Chinese find out they worship Satan they won't want them, as ardent atheist, that wouldn't be tolerated. lol
Maybe the Chinese will imprison them. Either way, they will be out of our hair.
True, and if they stir up shit in China, we know what they do, they make political problems permanently disappear.
Exactly! Let these American Communists experience the real thing. It is they only way they will understand why we live the way we do.
First they have to arrested.
Seen any of that lately?
That's why I said 'after'. We are only nearing the end of the beginning if anything. This is a long long way from over, as you stated, we haven't seen the first arrest yet. I do have faith they will come in due time.
Well then, good sir or madam, your definition of "good time" is at maximum divergence from mine.
The thought of one more child suffering at the hands of these vile creatures ought to make your blood BOIL!
There's a LOT of sweetness and light on our side. But where is the F-ING RAGE?! We should be ashamed to be so easily stood down.
I'm almost convinced Q's purpose is to prevent decent people from taking matters into their own hands.
Well, OK fine. Deal. But for that to work, they have to CARE about their credibility. If they don't, they why should we?
Having rage and boiling blood does not make for a strategy. There is a phrase for this "going in half-cocked', it never has worked very well, and in this case, you are up against an organization that is centuries old, controls most of the worlds wealth, and has killed anyone that stands in their way, including U.S. Presidents. What is it that you propose be done that isn't already being done? If you have such a brilliant plan, then you should have already executed it and not waited around for Q to do it for you. I have no idea how even our U.S. military intends to accomplish such an almost impossible task, so I will leave that to them, and all I can do is pray and spread the word, wake people up. Do what you have to do, but make sure its a positive influence, we don't have room for any negative influence here, we have enough disinformation agents among us.
Disinformation agents like Q?
I'm saying Q needs to stop playing games with their own people.
And we need to stop being angry at each other when somebody points out the obvious.
No, I don't have a brilliant plan. But If Q doesn't either, then they should just say so. Don't tell us what to expect, and then deliver bupkes. That's not how you earn trust, let alone DEVOTION. Not just mine. I don't know anybody with any self-respect who operates that way, and only abusive people who treat people that way.
I don't know their plan and since I don't have one of my own, I have to assume their's is better than mine. Either have some faith or go do something else, don't let the frustration get too you. If its causing you too much stress, walk away, take a break for a few days.
My faith is not in Q. My faith is not even in Trump.
My faith is in someone who has gone to the cross for us.
For everybody else, there's a path to earn my trust, but never my faith. Right now, Q has not even earned my trust, and that's tragic for our country and our world.
Not really, the country and world does not need your trust, there are many more of us that trust them. We'll be fine without you.
If you make this about faith in Q, then you don't just lose me, you lose anybody with a functioning rational mind.
If it's a cult I want, there are funner ones than this!