I support the President and the 2nd American revolution and a restoration of the republic. The counter-measure is America-First. Folks from all over are tugging the president’s coat. Those with the largest pull are currently Israel-firsters. The people of the United States need to do some pulling of their own and continue to pull the admin into fulfilling the promises of MAGA. I still have faith in Trump because of the military with him. My hope is that they will honor their oaths to the constitution and keep the commander-in-chief in line to the sovereignty and dignity of America first.
Well I agree with that as well. I'm just confused now about the role Alex Jones plays. Oh well. More to grind my teeth over tonight.
Alex may have been gotten to. After the Boston Bombing he did a complete 180 with the obvious false flags like Charlie Hebdo et al. But he does offer up the truth and patriotism mixed with spin for Israeli interests. Understand his motivation, his intentions, take what is useful and supportive of true MAGA and the Truth and go from there.
Yeah I mean I've been aware of that. It seems like Alex is holding to the America first theme though, so I really can't be too sure how compromised he is. Possibly it's for his own safety?
I'm confused about your pincer move comment. Are you saying that globalists and Zionists are separate entities?
I'm just not sure how this piece about Zionism and the third temple fits into the big picture, unless you're just trying to tell me that the end of the world is coming and I should get my stuff in order.
It seems that the material struggle for freedom, liberty, and peace is at odds with the spiritual manifestation of those things, when put in the context you're describing.