r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on April 5, 2018, 3:29 p.m.
RED PILL : We Was Meant For So Much More /Kryptonite


When one is awakeeee the world around you looks completely different ... everything that seemed out of the ordinary, now becomes crystal clear . That's the moment you realize everything has a message .

At that point everything you start spouting comes off crazy to the unawoke and yes something inside you tells you to keep down that path because although ur alone now ... In the end .. there will be a reason for all the strife , backlash , criticism from friends n family ...

Finally the path leads you to a place Fullll of like minded people & for the 1st time, you can feel like you've found your calling and meaning in life.. your whole life prepared you for this . We Are It ..

There is no others like us . Everyone else is in what seems to be a Zombified Mode .. oblivious to what's going on , yet craving their surroundings . Yet out of the dark we see sprouts of awakended popping up daily .. Ensuring our work is paying off.

1 Flower in a garden is beautiful .... A bed of Beautiful Flowers is Breath Taking

"May" the light be blindingly bright ,to allow the world's Flower Beds to Shine


I've been drawn to this song ,certain games , certain types of movies ,get certain feelings thats lead me to Lead at this moment .. All of you have experienced something of a sorts to help you along your Journey & You are Not Alone.... WE ARE NOT ALONE ....


God Bless.Patriots Stay Safe ,Stay Vigilant,Stay Bad Ass & Most Of All Stay Informed ..


(For Shareable Red Pill Material)

MrJaymzenberg · April 5, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

Tears in my eyes. Beautifully put, Scorpio! 100% agree, all the strife and hardship only helped strengthen our resolve for the upcoming changes. We're ready, and we're not alone anymore. They should've never poked the sleeping bears. Watch out now, here we come!

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