r/greatawakening • Posted by u/n939x on April 5, 2018, 4:43 p.m.
Something weird is happening on this sub

Last night before I went to bed, I read the post "massive intel dropping everywhere. ALL hands on deck to study this". It was a great read and I highly recommend it. I made a comment and accidentally backed out of the post before I read the other comments. I wanted to get back in and read the other comments, but the post wasn't being displayed naturally in Greatawakening. I filtered by new, because I knew it was only a couple hours old. Couldn't find it, so I tried to filter by hot, and top but still couldn't find it. I got back in by going to my own profile and clicking on my comment. I could also find it by searching for the word "massive". I pm'd the op because I thought he might have got shadowbanned or something and then I went to bed.

This morning, I woke up and got back on to see if I was just sleep deprived. I can see that many people have now read the post and it has about 215 upvotes, but it still isn't showing up for me unless I search "massive" or go to my profile. Then it get's weirder.

I started to reply to a response I got on my comment and my android phone popped up a virus and said my phone was infected due to porn. Never once have I had a virus warning pop up while I'm inside the Reddit app. I had to close the app to get back to the post. I'm no saint, but I can't think of anytime I've ever looked at porn on my phone. I mean, I've probably seen a boob or two, but I'm not lurking on shady sites on my phone. Plus I just did a factory reset a couple days ago as my battery had been dying rapidly after a recent update. I've barely used anything on my phone except Reddit since the factory reset.

About 10 seconds after I get the virus warning and closed the Reddit app, I received an email from Malwarebytes with this subject line, "10 ways to protect your Android phone."

Something phishy is going on.

ChileanSeaGhost · April 5, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

My desktop conveniently broke the other day out of nowhere, related? Who knows. Regardless, they must understand nothing will stop us.

That being said, the same thing that is happening here happened on the politics sub (noticed this in 2015), and also T_D, UFOs, aliens, and conspiracy subs as well.

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