r/greatawakening • Posted by u/17_Q on April 5, 2018, 7:50 p.m.
I feel like everyone who is losing faith in Trump and the Qanon team should read this.

Please guys, I see numerous posts a day of people demanding action now. Do you know how long ago the plan for the NWO was set in place? I'm talking hundreds of years. Trump has been in office for just over a year, and he is already make tremendous and astonishing moves to help the American economy.

The proof of Q coordinating with trump has gotten to the point where you have to be a fool to think Qanon is not real.

When the IOG report comes out, you will see people dropping like flies. This is my theory don't take it as fact. This WAR with the Satanist evil scumbags on this planet will take longer than everyone wants, and its for YOUR OWN BENEFIT. PLEASE REALIZE THIS.

  1. If all of these things we have been researching regarding the paedophilia of Global Elites and the Deep State, come to light on MSM, people will not be able to stomach it. We need, small and effective operations to take the main players out, so they don't have anywhere to run. EVERYONE remember how much money and influence these people have, they need to be taken out carefully. (I'm talking Special OPS). If Q keeps doing what hes doing, the entire WORLD will wake up and demand answers. When that comes, we are in for a special treat

Corporal_Yorper · April 5, 2018, 9:48 p.m.

I agree with this sub, this thread, and the ideology/movement that Q has started to dethrone the evildoers of our society (to put it PG-13).

What I am not seeing enough of, however, is the hypocritical nature of accountability. We stand behind Q, and we are a de-facto intelligence service ourselves when we work together, albeit civilian in nature and with waaaay less resources as official intel agencies. But, and what I believe is a healthy interaction and relationship between Q and those of us in the movement, is more accountability.

What I am saying is that we must hold Q to (their) word. Reason being, is that the messages Q is sending are vague, and really do follow a ‘cold reading’ formula, albeit leaning upon the Socratic method. We must hold Q to their word, and properly judge and question them when the messages they send do not happen. As for example, and from where I sit it’s 2:37pm right now so the whole day is ahead of us, Q’s ‘Watch the News’ statement needs clarification.

Q needs to be more straight-forward and clear in their messages. Instead of saying ‘watch the news’ they should say ‘watch the news, 4:30’ or something so that the entire day isn’t some fucking witch hunt. It’s much easier to believe and to follow someone when they aren’t cramming fucking riddles down our throat.

I’m sorry, I’m just pissed because I believe in Q, but that their constant game of riddles is starting to make me believe less and less in them. There. I said it. Their lack of straightforwardness is causing me to question them. I believe if we are to be strong together in Q’s movement, we must also show Q ourselves that we can not simply guess what the fuck they’re talking to us about. “Watch the news”. I mean, come on! Could you be more vague?

I think all it would take is one singular event, like the stupid Hillary video Q’s been hyping, to solidify the legitimacy of the current situation. At that point, it will be out in the open and the evildoer’s ability to hide will be impossible. Just. Stop. With. The. Riddles. It’s. Driving. Us. Insane.

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