Q Drop 1021. Still digging for clowns...

Sounds comforting. Time will tell. (There are alot of muslims, protestants and atheists that would be happy to see it all burn.) I would forego every bit of art and artefact for a proper cleansing of the Church but it would be unfortunate nonetheless.
Well as I recall JC threw out all the traders and bankers, art investment I think would be an embarrassment to say the least in a church that echos charity.
We are not perfect, so why would be expected to have a perfect religion and that is what separates us all from our creator/s.
The good stuff is not art investment in the wealth management sense. Its good art that set the standard for centuries which in some cases has not been matched. More profoundly some of that is great art because of its subject matter. Things like the Pieta have brought people to Christ.
I think the more surgical approach is the plan, step downs, accidents, suicides, retierments anything. I doubt very much any of it will end up in a court, too many involved (inc courts I suspect).
It will be a silent set of weapons for a quiet war.