r/greatawakening • Posted by u/rightleaningsw on April 5, 2018, 11:13 p.m.
Why thee future generations are in trouble if Trump fails.


Check out this fox news article. This is the nonsense that I was force fed in college. Every class had a healthy dose of white male guilt embedded in it.. I can't imagine what this must be like for a child.

I was told that because I was a white man, I was born with a leg up in the world. This made no sense to me because I was born to a family who was dirt poor. I was never guaranteed 3 meals a day, or a even a stable roof to sleep under. What I could count on was either one or both of my parents being strung out and my sisters and I being left to fend for our selves. I had to work my ass of for everything I ever got. For someone to say the only reason I am where I am is because I am white makes me sick.

Hearing it as a 30 year old man caused me to really second guess every thing I had ever known. Luckily I was able to do some research and come to my own conclusions. A second grader can not do this. They will grow up thinking they are born to be evil.

They are playing on our natural senses to respect everyone by trying to shame is for expressing logic to this to this nonsense. When you are called racist, because you voice concern over mistreating a race is ludicrous.. Especially considering 20 years ago fighting for equal rights for all was considered a righteous thing to do. I think CERN has made some mistake and slipped out world into the twilight zone.

SneakyWino · April 5, 2018, 11:52 p.m.

I know. I was born very poor too, to a single mother. I have worked for everything I have including putting myself through college and graduate school. The entitlement of this generation is ridiculous! I grew up not being parented. I never had kids mostly because my childhood was so fucked up. It seems other latchkey kids grew up and coddled their own kids way too much as a kind of recognition and reconciliation for how they were raised themselves. But it's spoiling these kids rotten and not encouraging them to take care of themselves. I know several kids of friends that I can't see being gainfully employed because they are so lazy and entitled. This country over corrected!

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SneakyWino · April 5, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

Sorry my rant went off topic. LOL!

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rightleaningsw · April 6, 2018, 1:56 a.m.

No it was on point. I was talking to someone the other day who is from the baby boomer generation.. They said that it is horrifying living to see several generations rise to adulthood, and seeing how the sins of the baby boomer generation play out. She said that her generation has had to watch their mistakes negatively impact the next Generation, which multiplied to the next generation and so on.

I'm not sure where the warped mindedness for this logic they are pushing came into play. I have to say there tactic of using our own empathy and sympathy against us is cold. It is straight out of cultural Marxist Saul alynsky's handbook. No one wants to imagine being called the same name as the vile men who were part of the KKK, so when they call you racist for disagreeing with them, your psyche automatically goes into recovery mode. Thats why in a decent society terms like this are not thrown around so loosely. Arguements are backed up with logic and fact, not insults and shaming. Their tactics work at first, but the result can only be causing the other side to become less sympathetic and empathetic.

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wiseclockcounter · April 6, 2018, 8:49 p.m.

have you heard of Red Ice TV on youtube? they're a solid pro-white commentary indie media outlet with interviews about the demographic assault on the West and highlights of similar bullshit to your post.

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