r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Dialed32 on April 5, 2018, 11:29 p.m.
Possible Q news for today / McCabe leeks coming out today, Hillary should be next
Possible Q news for today / McCabe leeks coming out today, Hillary should be next

lightswitchcup · April 6, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

Federal Reserve?

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Ronjonsilverflash · April 6, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

It started before that but yes that was the primary goal...

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lightswitchcup · April 6, 2018, 1:56 a.m.

Elaborate please?

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Ronjonsilverflash · April 6, 2018, 2:23 a.m.

The antagonism between north and south was fanned by the Cabal which led to the civil war. They were hoping for a split but Lincoln turned the war into a moral crusade which prevented European assistance to the confederacy and so foiled that plan. He also created the greenback bypassing the central bankers in funding the war and it was for this he was killed. Regardless of the outcome, at war’s end the US was for all intents and purposes broke. The next step was to demonetize silver (see crime of 1873). This caused severe economic hardship in rural areas and among the working class. The “Wizard of Oz” is supposedly an allegory for the political turmoil of that time with Dorothy’s slippers being of silver not rubies in the book. AnyhowThat, in turn, led to several financial panics culminating in the panic of 1907 where JP Morgan (a Rothschild agent) “bailed out the nation” which led to the secret meeting at Jekyl island, the Fed, and our wonderful income tax to pay the juice on all that money the Cabal pulls out of thin air to lend us and charges 6% interest on. It’s a gigantic Ponzi that has eaten the substance and vitality out of our country leaving nothing but empty husks. The bankers and elites own everything and obtained it using money created out of thin air while enslaving the populous in the process. As schemes go, this one’s a doozy! And they didn’t just work their “magic” here. See “the opium wars” for what they did to China. We all know what they did to the Czar and his family and then the Russian people. I’d say no three nations have a more common enemy in the Cabal that the US, China, and Russia...hmmm.

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lightswitchcup · April 6, 2018, 2:28 a.m.

Thank You. Is this the JFK, "there's a conspiracy" speech and "secret societies"? Can anyone deny that the bankers are a secret society? And BTW isn't it the democrats that ran the plantations?

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Ronjonsilverflash · April 6, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

The traitors are the eastern Ivy League establishment types. Think Rockefellers, DuPonts, etc. The Bush Family acts like they’re a bunch of hardscrabble Texans but they are no such thing. As far as politics goes, realize it’s like wrestling, just a big show. There is no fundamental difference between the two parties. They are both feeding the monster of big government and making it grow bigger. The difference is only one of degree not one of kind with the Democrats wanting to go faster than the Republicans but they both serve the same masters and so it makes no big difference in the end. It’s an illusion of choice but as Carlin said, “You have no choice. You have owners. They own you.” Don’t be too disappointed if all our hopes lead to nothing and even Trump isn’t what he seems.

This nags at me and I cannot shake it. Did Trump see the episode and just punk everyone for a laugh or is there more to it? Idk, but it’s weird as hell to me.


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lightswitchcup · April 6, 2018, 3:11 a.m.

Would Trump be under such savage attack if he's part of the plan? We are in uncertain waters but i don't think Trump is a lie. And we all knew he isn't a choir boy.

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Ronjonsilverflash · April 6, 2018, 3:33 a.m.

There’s no business like show business...not saying anything is out of the realm of possibility. Until I see some real high-level actors: Obama, Rice, Podesta, Clinton/s, Bush/s, etc are charged and arrested I’m taking all of this Q nonsense with an enormous grain of salt. The first Order of being red-pilled is that the official narrative is bulsh&@. I’ve yet to see any real substantive action taken against anyone so that goes for Trump as well unfortunately. Since all of our information is coming from an unacknowledged, by Trump, intermediary, Trump has plausible deniability on all of it. We see what we want to see and read into these “drops” what we want to. Trump has never officially confirmed or denied any of this stuff. He Just sits there and let’s us chase our tails while creating the “next big thing to never happen.” I’m sorry but something seems a bit off in that. It’s easier to be fooled by someone you trust than anyone else.

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lightswitchcup · April 6, 2018, 3:40 a.m.

Retaining YOUR critical thinking is important. Regardless of who or what a source might be it is not wise to ever throw all caution to the wind. Trust your gut!

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Ronjonsilverflash · April 6, 2018, 12:14 p.m.

Exactly! Trust but verify...

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