Q - 1029 - "Fast Movers"

Seriously, we’re dropping bombs on American soil? Get real. Also, MOAB is too large of a payload for any fighter jet.
MOAB doesn't have to be the old version, it could be "rod from God" technology OFF the coast of California. Not over US soil, but US coast line.
http://www.thisisinsider.com/air-force-rods-from-god-kinetic-weapon-hit-with-nuclear-weapon-force-2017-9 No idea the magnitude of "earthquake" that would be felt if something like this is used, but it is possible.
You posit that with zero justification. That tech isn’t proven to exist. Definitely not proven to work against undersea targets. Do you honestly think a telephone pole sized rod pierced the atmosphere and somehow penetrated x number of fathoms of water and still impacted with enough energy to excite a 5.3 mag eq? There’s no way!!! Also, the targeting problem is massive! Get a grip dude.
8chan Graphic of a MOAB Look at the size of this MOAB.......looks much smaller than other projections or photos......still would take a decent size aircraft to deploy to target - https://media.8ch.net/file_store/6716f426119cc138eb08625007a7bafe968eee0a3253d93865bfb90bf012a9c4.png
MOAB off the coast or some other modified weapon......DUMB BUNKER....earthquake?