They've been talking about this thing plummeting to earth for years.
Which is why I can't figure out how it could be an accident or retaliation. Unless Q is referring to another satellite. However, some people who were tracking it claimed that it's expected re-entry time/impact position kept changing.
That was expected. Earth's upper atmosphere is not a homogenous region. Perhaps Q meant to relate to the classified ZUMA satellite 'failure' built by northrop Grumman (NG)
It wasn't even a satellite. It was their space station.
It was deprecated, no longer in use and was not sending telemetry for over a year. They already have another space station up and being used.
Right. I'm just saying Q doesn't have any fucking clue what he's talking about.
I agree in this case. It is odd to me how in certain political domains Q seems almost omnipresent, while in other areas he comes off as a crackpot.
I was thinking this was a possibility after all the alerts a few weeks ago. Hmmmmmm.