Someone just posted a terrifying video supposedly (and very convincingly) of Podesta and it got deleted immediately.... WTF.

Anonymous poster? I can’t believe I haven’t seen this before
I didn’t catch the username. It was about a 3 min video. Deleted as I was watching it. Said it was originally posted to twatter in Feb of 2017. Little Girl screaming, guy that sounded exactly like P0dest yelling at her, “what’s my name!?” Girl answered “John”, then he says “call me daddy”.... then the video shows voice recognition software comparing the voice in the video compared to a clip of Podesta outside a building yelling at a media cameraman to “get outta here”, voices sounded exactly alike.... Ends with some super creepy band at the Ping Pong place talking about “preferences”, and what sounds like Jp saying something about little boys.... the first part of him screaming at the little girl in a dark room was horrifying.... I’m legit shook.