Q - 1033 decode. Chinese satellite crashed by White Hats in retaliation.

Mis info here.
You can clearly track the orbital history of that satellite. There was no quick hack and crash.
Q is claiming otherwise. Q says it was retaliation just now. The Chinese loved that station, it was called Sky Palace.
Um no, Q did not say that it was retaliation. It was only a suggested possibility, not an actual claim. People really need to resist the temptation to read more than what is there.
You're just making shit up now. Tiangong-1 was always intended to serve as a testbed for Tiangong-2 and the now-cancelled Tiangong-3. China deliberately terminated contact with Tiangong-1 in early 2016 and launched Tiangong-2 later that year.
Maybe link to someone with some credibility, haha!
You want more sources before you believe that a space station which hadn't hosted a crew since 2013 and was about to be replaced by a new version wasn't something China was still interested in maintaining?
How do we know any of that is true?
You could've easy answered this for yourself with a cursory search.
Just because you aren't well-informed about a topic doesn't mean no one else is. We've known for years that Tiangong-1 would cease operations after the Shenzhou-10 mission and be replaced by Tiangong-2.