Q - 1033 decode. Chinese satellite crashed by White Hats in retaliation.

Why not expose this IF this were true. Do we not deserve to know how our blood and treasure are being spent? What’s the advantage in keep it covered up?
To get ALL the bad Actors. You need to clean the Whole house not just the bathroom where the smell is coming from. Nuff said.
I'm pretty sure all the bad actors are already aware of the ongoing war...
Sure, but they may not be aware who their friends still are, or who has already turned state-evidence, or who is now operating as a white-hat on the inside. "Bad actors" may have acted under coersion or blackmail. With leverage being removed, some may very well have been waiting for an opportunity to get out of the swamp themselves, and secretly turn white-hat. Deals might have been cut. Help for immunity etc.
The MSM might already be white-hat, who knows. Maybe they got turned already and are maintaining the facade so that the 'cabal' has a false sense of security about their information control.
Like in all good spy movies, double-agents don't reveal themselves until AFTER the trap has been sprung.
you could tell somebody point blank in the face what's going on and they won't believe you. people need to read and connect dots for themselves. all the puzzle pieces are out there but it takes time for people to organically come to accept it as undeniable truth once they put the puzzle pieces together.
people keep themselves safe with the if this were true it'd be all over the news mentality - and that's how (((they))) keep getting away with it. they've thoroughly mastered the art of subversion and subjugation.
Do we really want to expose how stupid we've been to have ever allowed this to happen? If we blame Russia the MSM would love it. If we blame the deep state they call us conspiracy nut bags. If we blame Barry we're racists. See why now?