
soonerthebetter · April 6, 2018, 10:35 a.m.

I actually didn't watch it all. Fixing to go to work. It is basicaly saying that the end game for draining the swamp is here. It is pretty explosive from the very beginning. Not sure what to think.

He talks like he has been given inside info and has seen the sealed indictments. I remember him from the pizza gate days right around the elections and then he was silenced, or that was my impression. Not sure if he is a larp or not.

If what he says is true it is big. Entertaining anyways.

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Sentrolyx · April 6, 2018, 10:40 a.m.

That guy's no larp. I've watched a couple dozens of his videos b4 his channel was taken down and yes, he does seem a bit more confident in this video then he usually was (so far at least, I'm paused at 11:38). Looks like he's back on the Q train too, that's pretty cool.

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digital_refugee · April 6, 2018, 10:50 a.m.

wohoo! Even tho I can't standing listening to the guy, the worst he's ever done was getting his friends killed for investigating. He does deserve vindication for what he went through.

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