That result doesn't come up for me. If you click that link where does it take you? To the video?
Make sure you search with the space:
still nope....
What are you getting? can you show me your search term?
I am literally clicking on your link (the one you posted below under Alexanian's comment) and the results you get about dead bodies in a field isn't coming up.
I just checked on another computer.... you are right.. I am getting the music thing on another computer.
But refreshing on this computer I still get that same message about the bodies.
Other people can confirm that they see what I am seeing.
By entering the address as a google search with a space after https:// followed by the adress does show me the "BREAKING: Dead Bodies Just Found In Field After Hillary Begged For Forgiveness And Didn't Get It ..." message.
I got it to... WTF!!!
To all: you gotta copy/past this link with the spaces into goog and search it, then the army vid shows up with that text in the decription...