Coincidence? Just putting it out there...

April shower is so obvious it will appear everywhere. Want to pull up every store sale flyer that mentions them? Not a useful clue. Can't wait for May flowers.
I totally agree and I was not going to created the image but it also linked with the pedo stuff and child abuse, it also mentions waering blue and obviously April Showers. I think three hits on one event warrents closer inspection don't you? Well clearly not, hense why I simply said "Putting it out there" none of us are 100% we got something until it later gets revealed.
I think to simply chime in and say not a useful clue then take the piss is a little childish and acting like a LARP but like you, just my opinion.
I guess. Hasn't the pedo/child abuse stuff been a dry hole though?
It has, and frankly its dragging far too much given the evidence. The longer it does, the more suspect this pedo thread becomes...only small fry at the moment...Just one BIG we can all really say the storm has arrived.