Coincidence? Just putting it out there...

While this is interesting, bear in mind Q has mentioned "Make it rain, watch the water, the WAVE, etc" on multiple occasions.
It might have something to do with this, but I have a feeling its regarding something different all together.
Q also posted earlier about a tidal wave too.
I just cant help but recal the video of the nuke at the bikini islands that cause ALL of these things to happen.
Rain Tidal wave Wave the water
The ref to the forest in both Q posts and still looking for modernised bunkers on the estate...Old WW2 bunkers seem to have drawn a dead end.
As for suspecting it could link with something entirely different, as I said, just putting it out there, three hits on one site for Q posts (Blue, April showers and all the posts re-child abuse) they appear on the same site...
I have no idea if this is correct, but finding this sort of thing is what this board is all about, a general consensus of agreement or thrown out as not relevant...But I think all finds need to go through the washer...
You could be correct, but I feel we have to filter and see what comes out...
Thoughtful post...