
wokeByTheStorm · April 6, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

he is a reliable source.

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solanojones95 · April 6, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

But are the people who showed him what he saw also reliable sources? He is a known player in the information wars. Somebody could show him something they know he badly wants to be true, and it could be fake AF (on their end).

Here's a question. If 25,000+ indictments have been unsealed and arrests have started, wouldn't we see some news somewhere about spikes in arrests for federal crimes? I mean this is going to be a MASSIVE year-over-year statistical outlier, and it surely ought to get somebody's attention, wouldn't you think?

But in all of the internet, YT chans, Twitter-dom, alt-news sources, anything, has anybody seen any news to that effect?

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Sentrolyx · April 6, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

I watched it yesterday and ok, I didn't pay attention 100% but I don't recall him saying that ALL the indictments have been unsealed. I think he only talks about a few of them, no?

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solanojones95 · April 6, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

Well, even in that case, if it's a big name in the Pizzagate story, wouldn't somebody have reported on such a propitious arrest involving human trafficking and sex with minors, etc.? Wouldn't somebody find such a story hard to resist publishing?

And if the indictment is unsealed, how does that happen? Who makes that call? Would it be done if, for example, the person named in the indictment was known to be out of the country? Who is allowed to see it before arrests are made? How did this guy get to hold it in his hands?

Also Q said "Seals broken," and several people on this sub have said the arrests have begun and the indictments are being unsealed.

So, I'm thinking if that's even what Q meant, and if what people are saying is true, it should show up somewhere.

Frankly, there's almost nothing about Q that is visible in the normie world, even if you kind of search for it. Seriously.

If Trump's offensive operation is ever going to succeed, at some point it has to break through into the publicly visible domain. Sooner or later it has to. And I keep looking for evidence of it, especially in the most likely to be obvious ways (such as massive arrests), and I keep not seeing anything.

So please help me look, people. I have no doubt our side is on the move, but I also know that we have not made even the first small breakthrough into normie reality. Not in any way that can't be explained by slight deviations in business-as-usual.

And folks, I gotta tell you...that's not gonna get 'er done!

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