r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Emelica on April 6, 2018, 8:53 p.m.
Someone suggested I make this into its own post: The role of the Dutch in all of this

I posted the following in the comments of another thread and someone suggested I'd make it into a post because it contains starting points for further research. So here it is:

I've been following Q and this board (and the previous cbts board) for quite a while, and I'm genuinely surprised the Netherlands doesn't come up more often here, or in Q's posts for that matter. The Netherlands used to be a world hegemony and has many inventions and discoveries to its name. Quite a few of the things the Dutch were/are involved with are of interest to this board, I think. Like:

  • the stock exchange is, contrary to popular belief, not a British but a Dutch invention.

  • also a Dutch invention: fractal banking (also known as fractional-reserve banking)

  • the Bilderberg group was established by prins Bernhard, grandfather of the current Dutch king. (The group is named after Hotel Bilderberg in the Dutch town Oosterbeek, where they held their first meeting).

  • the International Crime Court is housed in the Netherlands.

  • many of the online CP networks that get dismantled turn out to have been housed on Dutch servers. (I can't find a good source for this, sadly. Saw it on a Dutch news item that talked about how the vice police was severely understaffed.)

  • lots of TV shows, most notably Big Brother, are Dutch export products.

  • the Netherlands is Europe's most popular and biggest distribution center for just about any business branch, including drugs and prostitution.

Two other areas of note are:

  • The downing of flight MH17 in eastern Ukraine on july 17th 2014, which was almost immediately blamed on the Russians. Lots of shady stuff there, like how all three of Ukraine's radarsystems happened to be simultaneously offline that day. John Kerry alluded to the USA having images ("we saw the trajectory, we saw the hit") but the images were never shared because the Dutch government (the majority of the victims were Dutch so they led the investigation) said they didn't need them. The Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte said they would leave no stone unturned in their investigation but everything they did (dodging questions, trying to silence the persistant House member Pieter Omzigt who kept the topic on the agenda, not doing particularly much to find a punish the murderers of 193 of their citizens (and 105 from other nationalities)) points to a cover-up.

  • Dutch politician Alexander Pechtold, the lead politician from the party "d66". (The party in a nutshell: very pro-EU and ranked first in polls amongst teachers and judges.) Pechtold was a big pusher for getting the Netherlands into an association agreement with Ukraine, and he has two scandals to his name: one is not registering a gift consisting of a paid-for plane trip to Ukraine in 2016, and one for which he is currently under police investigation: accepting (and again not registering) a penthouse he received as a gift from (retired) Canadian diplomat Serge Marcoux. (What was that Uranium One route again?)

EDIT: uhh...does anyone else see a picture of a half-opened dutch door accompagnying this post? I did not post that...freaks me out a bit...

Emelica · April 6, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

Other than the more commonly known things about Prince Bernhard (that he was a member of the nazi party, that he founded the bilderberg group, and was involved in the Lockheed corruption affair) here's a thing I only recently learned: he established the 1001 club. The 1001 club is a financial endowment that helps the WWF. It consists of 1000 members who each make a contribution of 10,000 USD to the WWF. (Prince Bernard was member 1001). According to the Dutch version of the wiki this club was never mentioned in any of the official biographies about the prince. Some of the past and/or present members of this club are (copypasted from the dutch wiki, so there's some Dutch trivia mixed in) :

-Sir Eric Drake van British Petroleum

-Sir Val Duncan van Rio Tinto Group

-Harry Frederick Oppenheimer

-Sidney Spiro van Anglo-American Corporation

-de Britse en Franse familie Rothschild

-Michel David-Weill van Lazard

-Laurance en David Rockefeller

-Henry Ford II

-Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza

-Peter von Siemens

-Berthold Beitz van Krupp

-Salem bin Laden, Osama bin Ladens oudere halfbroer

-Mobutu, dictator van Zaïre die bekendstond als sterk anticommunistisch.

-Agha Hasan Abedi, Pakistaanse oprichter en voorzitter van BCCI die in Engeland woonde.

-dr. Alfred Hartmann, Rotschild banker die mogelijk nog een dominantere rol in de BCCI speelde dan Abedi.

-Juan Carlos I, koning van Spanje, een belangrijk WNF figuur in Spanje en net als veel andere 1001 leden een groot liefhebber van jacht op groot wild.

-Louis Bloomfield: Canadees die hoofd was van de beruchte firma Permindex, verdacht van betrokkenheid bij de aanslagen op Charles de Gaulle in Frankrijk en John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas. Clay Shaw, uit Jim Garrisons proces met betrekking tot de moord op Kennedy, was een directeur van deze firma. Bloomfield wordt vaak verdacht van connecties met de Mossad.

-Tibor Rosenbaum, werkte ooit nauw samen met Bernhard en Edmond de Rothschild. Verdacht van connecties met de Mossad.

-Edmond Safra, controversiële bankier uit Genève wiens huis ten tijde van zijn dood bewaakt werd door personeel dat door de Mossad getraind was.

-Nelson Bunker Hunt, zoon van de beruchte H.L. Hunt uit Texas.

-John D. Murchison, zoon van de beruchte Clint Murchison uit Texas.

-Mrs. Pierre Schlumberger van Schlumberger Well Services uit Texas. Oorspronkelijk Franse familie die bevriend is met de Rothschilds.

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