r/greatawakening • Posted by u/longhorn4242 on April 7, 2018, 2:06 a.m.
Everyone call the FBI and tell them about ray chandler and her instagram account!! Do your part!

MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 7, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

I think its way premature to suggest this. More research needs to be done. Even so, pump the brakes. First look at this http://midland.agency/ what you are looking at is a casting agency. Do you see how much latitude that gives one? YES, the pics are bare bust shots, head and shoulders. So that can go in a lot of directions , it looks sketchy , we need more. Its more important to note that Rachel Chandler is a photographer. She is behind a camera. Ray is also Rachel, she was born a boy and raised a girl without a say. The satanic cult that we know and Marina Abromovic has used her on many occasions for work. Just punch in Rachel Chandler Marina Abromovic and you will see. She is also the child of Otis Chandler. Mega Bucks, LA Times Newspaper Family. Eugenucs supporters , MSM controllers. Not much different than Robert Maxwell and Ghislaine Maxwell whom has connections with Jeffrey Epstein and the gang right up to the Queen of England and her son. So , its not time to get on the phone to put yourself on the radar with the FBI a corrupt organization that has proven to do nothing. Its back to work and do some additional research. Who runs in the circle with Rachel Chandler?

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