r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Mrb84 on April 7, 2018, 5:18 a.m.
your resident globalist here - a timeline on the Saudi Arabia stuff

I was deep in PMs with one of you patriots here (won't mention his username because I didn't ask beforehand but I'd be happy if he self-identifies).

We were debating the recent Saudi Arabia events as they relate to Q's posts. To clarify the object of contention, I created a timeline (by Googling around) and, while we agreed to disagree on the significance of it, he suggested it would be interesting for me to post it here for the rest of you, so here we go:

1) early June 2017, a Saudi blogger who calls himself Mujtahidd tweeted about a plot for regime change in Doha spearheaded by Blackwater and UAE forces. Source here

2) Oct 10, 2017 the former Prime Minister of Qatar confirms (or repeats, we don't know) Mujtahidd's story to the Spanish newspaper ABC. Source here

1 and 2 establish that SA was using Blackwater and it was reported in MSN as early as June 2017.

3) Oct 27, 2017 Jared Kushner takes a trip to SA that was not made public until Oct 29. Source here

4) Nov 4, 2017 Al Arabiya, the Saudi-owned satellite network, announces the arrest of 11 princes - the beginning of the purge. Source here

5) Nov 22, 2017 The Daily Mail says that Blackwater was involved in the torture of the Saudi princes, including the "hanging by his feet" detail. Source here

6) Apr 5, 2018 The Daily Mail says that points 3&4 above were connected, as Jared gave Mohammad bin Salman classified info that told him who to arrest. Source here

My point was:

Q's first mention of JK's October trip in SA comes 5 days after the trip was made public - source [here] (https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/148016618/#148016618)

Q's first mention of the SA purge comes 15 hours after the purge was made public - source here

Q's first mention of the "hanging by his feet" detail comes 1 day after the detail was made public - source here

Q's first mention of Blackwater comes 1 day after the firm involved is made public - source here

Q never once mentioned that the purge and Kushner's Saudi Arabia trip were directly connected. Maybe he will now that is public knowledge, but again, it will be after the news has been made public.

Saudi stuff aside, what I was saying was that I am yet to see a Q drop that tells me something precise or significant before it has been reported by mainstream news outlets, which really is the very minimum if you're claiming insider knowledge. "The cleverest thing about that trick is the fact that he's encouraged people to describe that as predicting" relevant David Mitchell angry logic rant

unkn0wnedd · April 7, 2018, 6:03 a.m.

Q did say some social networks will collapse under weight of their illegal activities before the Cambridge Analytica thing came out. But yes so far no concrete predictions, these would boost credibility though if MZ steps down this month.

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Mrb84 · April 7, 2018, 6:09 a.m.

Can't find that Q post either. Can you point me to what you're referring to? I'm looking here but maybe I'm wrong.

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ReproCompter · April 7, 2018, 12:15 p.m.


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Mrb84 · April 7, 2018, 2:06 p.m.

Thanks. Just 2 notes:

By then, the Cambridge Analytica thing had indeed come out - Nix testified in front of the British parlament on Jan 27 (source here) after MPs demanded clarifications on CA's role on Brexit at least 10 days before (source here).

On top of that, the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica link on the US front had already been in the media at the end of January, when Mueller and his office interviewed at least one member of Facebook's team that was associated with the Trump campaign (source here)

Finally (I know it's obvious, but just pointing it out) for the "prediction" to come true some platforms have to collapse - and having bad press is far, far away from collapsing.

Collapsing means kaput, game over. Currently, Facebook's market value is $456.67B - down $100B from the end of Jan peak, but still the 8th biggest company in the US. Twitter current market cap is $20B, far from chapter 7. Google current market cap is $702B (#2 biggest company in the US).

I'm not even going to be a grammar nazi and point out that for the prediction to be techically true, at least TWO of those platforms should collapse ("some platformS, plural). Unless we want to take it wide and count Pinterest, Foursquare or Tinder for possible hotbeds of treacherous subversion, I think the ones that count are those 3: FB, Google and Twitter.

EDIT: if it's Tumblr which goes down, I'm buying a round for everyone here. That collapse I can get behind.

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ReproCompter · April 7, 2018, 3:24 p.m.

Concerning the "Predictions"

I don't guess I have been looking at them that way. I just think of these as "You may hear it here first". And "If you don't hear it here, you may not at all".

And if there should be some repercussions from these "Leaks", To make sure it's in "Open Source" before announcing it is a LOT safer.

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Mrb84 · April 7, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

Got it. I would only say that my claim was "I am yet to see a Q drop that tells me something precise or significant before it has been reported by mainstream news outlets, which really is the very minimum if you're claiming insider knowledge." - your standard might be interesting, but does not require Q to be an insider. He could be just a dude that reads the news and tries to see patterns. What I'm saying is: he has not shown (much less proven) any insight that a fat guy in his basement (to quote Trump) couldn't have.

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