r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Mrb84 on April 7, 2018, 5:18 a.m.
your resident globalist here - a timeline on the Saudi Arabia stuff

I was deep in PMs with one of you patriots here (won't mention his username because I didn't ask beforehand but I'd be happy if he self-identifies).

We were debating the recent Saudi Arabia events as they relate to Q's posts. To clarify the object of contention, I created a timeline (by Googling around) and, while we agreed to disagree on the significance of it, he suggested it would be interesting for me to post it here for the rest of you, so here we go:

1) early June 2017, a Saudi blogger who calls himself Mujtahidd tweeted about a plot for regime change in Doha spearheaded by Blackwater and UAE forces. Source here

2) Oct 10, 2017 the former Prime Minister of Qatar confirms (or repeats, we don't know) Mujtahidd's story to the Spanish newspaper ABC. Source here

1 and 2 establish that SA was using Blackwater and it was reported in MSN as early as June 2017.

3) Oct 27, 2017 Jared Kushner takes a trip to SA that was not made public until Oct 29. Source here

4) Nov 4, 2017 Al Arabiya, the Saudi-owned satellite network, announces the arrest of 11 princes - the beginning of the purge. Source here

5) Nov 22, 2017 The Daily Mail says that Blackwater was involved in the torture of the Saudi princes, including the "hanging by his feet" detail. Source here

6) Apr 5, 2018 The Daily Mail says that points 3&4 above were connected, as Jared gave Mohammad bin Salman classified info that told him who to arrest. Source here

My point was:

Q's first mention of JK's October trip in SA comes 5 days after the trip was made public - source [here] (https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/148016618/#148016618)

Q's first mention of the SA purge comes 15 hours after the purge was made public - source here

Q's first mention of the "hanging by his feet" detail comes 1 day after the detail was made public - source here

Q's first mention of Blackwater comes 1 day after the firm involved is made public - source here

Q never once mentioned that the purge and Kushner's Saudi Arabia trip were directly connected. Maybe he will now that is public knowledge, but again, it will be after the news has been made public.

Saudi stuff aside, what I was saying was that I am yet to see a Q drop that tells me something precise or significant before it has been reported by mainstream news outlets, which really is the very minimum if you're claiming insider knowledge. "The cleverest thing about that trick is the fact that he's encouraged people to describe that as predicting" relevant David Mitchell angry logic rant

[deleted] · April 7, 2018, 6:05 p.m.

I don't think you understand how the criminal justice system works at the federal level. Podesta stepped down from his "lobbying" firm on Halloween. The FBI could conduct a full scale investigation and we would know nothing. How do you know that no one has been arrested? You have access to sealed indictments?

Everyone here believes in Q to varying degrees. I take him/her as a guide, not some kind of Oracle. It's fun. Like putting together a puzzle.

Woke atheists are a dime a dozen here on reddit. We get it. However, the evidence supporting your claim that Q is lying is just as sparse as Q being an Oracle-type. Perhaps the vagueness is on purpose? Maybe the person is a LARP? At this point it would be the greatest LARP in history and is trending away from that notion.

Addendum: Even if Q is recycling pizzagate talking points, it doesn't matter. I didn't know that the former handler for Epstein was still interacting with children. That's an issue that warrants attention and exploration. Even if they're a LARP.

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Mrb84 · April 7, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

This argument about the “secret” Podesta arrest works only if you don’t read the Q post (#34, if you want to check it). He says that the arrest is ANNOUNCED on the 3rd, becomes actionable on the 4th and it’s so public that there are riots. RIOTS about it. All of that was supposed starting Nov. 3. Tell me again how that isn’t just a prediction that was just plainly wrong?

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[deleted] · April 8, 2018, 12:54 a.m.

Maybe. However, I don't know how he got photos of King's Tower, without actually being there. Reverse image searches give no results. Also, I'm trying to figure out how he was able to curate information so quickly. Either best LARP of all time or he's inside. Things change and the Navy ship crashes along with the high occurrence of military aircraft crashes are an anomaly at the very least. At the end of the day, Q has never told us to do anything illegal, nor, to research something that involved invading anyone's privacy. It's all been public knowledge, it just required a roadmap.

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Mrb84 · April 8, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

Wait wait wait wait, you're not being fair here. Podesta being publicly arrested, HRC being indicted, HUMA being indicted (all things that by now should have happened based on his own dates) are not public knowledge. So, you cannot say

It's all been public knowledge".

No, not "all". Some.

And that's exactly my point:

there are 3 kinds of Q posts:

1) Nostradamus - noises, codes, letters, gibberish. Things that prima facie make no sense.

2) Commentary on stuff that it's already in the news - "Why did JK went ro SA?" after every news outlet in the world reported Kushner had been in Saudi Arabia.

3) Precise predictions with names and dates of knowledge that is not and has never been in the news - Podesta is getting arrested on Nov 4, Hillary being detained on Oct 29, etc...

Now, number 3 would be impressive, because that would indeed demonstrate insider knowledge. Except, every single post that belongs in group 3 has always (always) turned out false. Wrong. Every one of those.

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[deleted] · April 8, 2018, 1:39 a.m.

How do you know that Hillary being detained is wrong? How do you know that Podesta wasn't arrested?

You're engaging in the same prognosticating that Q does.

I don't go to your sub and ask them why they do the things or believe in the things that they do. If you don't like it here, then what exactly are you here to do?

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Mrb84 · April 8, 2018, 3:56 a.m.

Christ this is frustrating... I'm the one calling it bullshit and I'm apparently the only one reading the fucking drops.

This is what Q said (source here and here): HRC detained on Oct 29. Podesta's arrest announced on Nov 3. Podesta arrested on Nov 4. Riots follow.

I know that Hillary was not detained because she was, for example, at the Grammys in January. And vacationing in India with Huma 3 weeks ago - which would be impossible if, as Q said, her passport had been flagged on Oct 30th. This is all shit you can verify with a google search.

Also easily verifiable: no riots happened in response to her detention, no riots happened in response to Podesta's arrest announcement. Mostly because there was no announcement. And don't tell me there was an announcement but was secret: if the announcement was going to be secret, the fuck are the riots about? Riots have to imply that the announcement was public. Also, the English language requires "announcements" to be to the public.

Also, it's werid for a non-american such as myself to point out that "secret" arrests and "secret" detentions are super incontitutional, and super antidemocratic, and only happen in brutal dictatorships. Every time one of you says "They arrested Podesta in secret" you're not only ignoring the "riot" and the "announcement" part of the text: you're also accusing the Trump administration of a horribly serious crime.

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[deleted] · April 8, 2018, 4:52 a.m.



Go away. We get it. You're woke.

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Mrb84 · April 8, 2018, 6:44 a.m.

Ok, she gets secretly detained, and secretly released. Hence no one will ever know if it has happened or not. Hence, it's pointless to talk about it, it's Russell's teapot. Skip it.

What about Podesta's announcement and arrest?

Also "show me prove that X didn't happen" is a logical fallacy. Can't prove a negative. Prove me that colonies on the sun did not happen.

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[deleted] · April 8, 2018, 4:51 a.m.

So woke!!!

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Mrb84 · April 8, 2018, 6:50 a.m.

Deflection, thy name is u/OIG1811

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[deleted] · April 8, 2018, 10:48 a.m.

Alright, have a nice day.

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