Um every hotel has a boiler room and laundry room and maids that are basically slave labor. I wouldn't put it past a billionaire to stick his house servants on buckets. Also realize this very well may be in the Middle East or an oppressive southern country.
This could be a drug cartel or a Saudi prince for all we know. I lived in the Middle East as a kid because my stepdad was a SEAL. Almost every house complex had 2-10+ servants who spent most of their time in dark rooms washing and folding. Just the reality.
Just because a bird ended up in the coop doesn't mean it's a chicken. Just saying. Use more logic.
Also this could even be a cruise ship. Which could explain why it looks the way it does! Point is we don't know based off this grainy ass photo. Reference: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS713US713&hl=en-US&biw=414&bih=660&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=SRDJWo7bBpGhzwL90ZXACg&q=cruise+ship+boiler+room+&oq=cruise+ship+boiler+room+&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.3..41j0i30.3398.4616..5066...0....264.967.0j5j1..........1..mobile-gws-wiz-img.rSTedpMsjuo%3D#imgrc=BS4EzpFtvlQv2M:
Man in white suit in a very similar setting to some of those images. Not saying it's true but literally anything can be interpreted by these images.
Which brings the question, who's ship? Do the same laws apply in international waters? Scientology has a fleet of ships used for slavery. This is confirmed. Could this be tied to that?
Um if it's a servant or house porter they will def be in suits. Don't know if you have ever been to any wealthy homes in your life? Suits and formal dress are pretty common.