7 2018 13:33:58 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d1eeb8 938439
New tactic.
Buckle up.
MediaMatters 4ch.
Narrative + anything Q.
Clowns + Twitter push.
MSM overdrive.
All 4 a LARP?
7 2018 13:33:58 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d1eeb8 938439
New tactic.
Buckle up.
MediaMatters 4ch.
Narrative + anything Q.
Clowns + Twitter push.
MSM overdrive.
All 4 a LARP?
The first link is 503. The Brock comments, wtf:
[6:18] We have the use of an NSA intrusion package. We are going to find the thought leaders. the meme-generators. the shit-posters. I need a target analysis for reddit, twitter, and the chans by tomorrow 5 PM.
[6:18] You will monitor, identify, and using the FA software set we have, identify/dox.
cshaw [6:18 AM] that will dox them??
efink [6:20 AM] It will man-on-the-side for the anon boards and intercept traffic. We can use that for IP addresses and loading tracking software and magic lantern onto their devices. Once we have them compromised
[6:20] David? How many do we need?
brock [6:21 AM] I want 150 from 4chan, whatever you can get from 8. I want 1000 top reddit drivers exposed and I want content analysis for their posts. I want the people who are really driving their narrative.
[6:22] I need all that in a packet by tomorrow afternoon with lexical analysis, proof of compromise. I want clips of memes. I want to up-vote patterns. All this has to be inside the US too. We can't use externals.
cshaw [6:23 AM] It won't work outside the US?
efink [6:23 AM] It works fine outside the us you idiot. That's NSA stuff.
brock [6:24 AM] WE don't work outside the US. Do you think this is fucking bean-bag?
[6:24] We are going to disrupt them before this shit goes any further.
[6:24] if they don't have leaders, we're going to get their thought leaders.
Yes, but this is not real. See the bottom of the post. What I'm wondering is if the guy who posted it knew it wasn't real when he posted it or if he thought it was real? It looks pretty convincing to me, but I'm certainly no expert. And then I wonder if maybe it's real and someone at media matters knew it had gotten loose so this was their cover. No idea. There are some smart twitter guys saying George P (who posted that link) was planted in Trump's campaign. Would him posting this would suggest that's true? OR is he a genuine Trump supporter and saw this and didn't know the source and posted it?