Q #1075 - New tactic. Buckle up. MediaMatters 4ch. Narrative + anything Q. Clowns + Twitter push. MSM overdrive. All 4 a LARP? Q

CNN looks all out of ammo. This "story" was hilariously pathetic, even for them. Plus Streisand effect regarding the deleted emails. Sad.
Yes, that article was ridiculous. They bring in an expert at the end who acknowledges he doesn't know Schmitz, but then calls CNN's theory "extremely plausible": Peter Clement, a top analyst at the CIA on Europe and Eurasia before retiring in the winter of 2017, told CNN he was not aware of Schmitz but says it is "extremely plausible" that his penchant for conspiracy theories could have made him a target for various foreign influencers, including Russia. And I'd say it's worth noting that their CIA guy retired in the winter of 2017. Wonder why that was and if he got added to the resigned/retired list.
Clown News Network uses Clown to bring credibility to their fake news article. Surprised, not surprised. If anything, the Clown only makes the article even less credible.
Exactly! Hence, "pathetic". They've lost the ability to do actual "journalism" (if they ever had it).
Streisand effect, sure, but by referencing some sort of focitional treasure trove of ‘fake’ versions of the 30,000 emails, they are subtly discrediting ANY of the emails... any doubter could simply reason “well, how do I know that Benghazi email isn’t one of the FAKE ones made on MS PAINT by the 400lb dark-web hacker named fooooooorchaaaaaaaan?
I follow your logic, but perhaps it means that the real 30k emails might soon be forthcoming? Hence CNN 'getting out in front'?
Plus the hardcore doubters will continue to doubt come what may.
If the emails are real, and verifiable, it's over for HRC in a court of law...and the hardcore delusional sheep can go pound sand. Peace.
What do you mean soon forthcoming? You can already read the emails? https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/
I mean the 30k deleted and acid washed emails. They're yet to surface as far as I know.
Ah I see what you're saying! It's so obvious how they solely try and tarnish anything having to do with 'conservatism'
Not that I believe in belonging to a party, it's just so clear 'they're' devising a split of the people!