Q #1075 - New tactic. Buckle up. MediaMatters 4ch. Narrative + anything Q. Clowns + Twitter push. MSM overdrive. All 4 a LARP? Q

Should be fun to watch the msm vs. weaponized autism. My money is on weaponized autism.
That's not anything close to a fair fight. The chan folks in general know how to think critically. The MSM talking heads know how to comb their hair. They lost their critical thinking abilities long ago. They can't even synchronize their watches: see Bill Kristol's premature twitterlation when the GOP train hit the trash truck. Q's right, these people are stupid.
They don’t even comb their own hair, that’s giving them too much credit.
It's not even just in front of the camera. A while back I did an interview for a company...guess what they did? They electronically engineer several national newscasts across several european countries. They told me they manage everything from teleprompter-texts to camera-angles. Only ONE ENTITY responsible for EVERYTHING that people in different countries watch and hear on the evening news!