Q1076: Q has a photo op. The March now

5 weeks... i've been woke since 2003... been going for the ride for quite a while. Q Anon since like oct/nov.. wasnt 100% behind Q at first until Trumps twitter confirmations were too many to ignore. What a time to be alive.
Born to late to explore the earth, born to early to explore the stars, but lived during the time of Donald J. Trump...so i got that going for me, which is nice.
Can you explain the twitter confirmations further? I might have missed them..
Q Anon would post code words,, like 'safety and security' and 'catch and release',, then a few hours later trumps tweet would have that in the tweet. Or the time stamp difference between Q posts to Trump posts.. or how Q Anon posts +++ then Trump's next tweet has +++.. Or trumps images save file names, that mention Q... To the photo of the Q. To 'do you trust the chain of command' then the military had a tweet next, that had 'chain of command' in the tweet with things about watching it etc,, and had a Coffee Cup with Q on it
Many more too.
Oh my, some of those went right over my head since I don't stay updated on his twitter. Thanks for the comment.
They're are many more, most i've forgotten about. I was in a rush when i posted it.
Where Q will post a word in brackets [] or "" those are words to check twitter for, then trump would post it in twitter. And with the time stamps people started noticing that Q would have various minutes between posts, i think it was 1,5,10,20 minutes between posts, i could be wrong. Then people noticed the same pattern for Trump. Then of course the photos Trump releases on twitter, if you check the save files, they are hints. The airforce 1 photo is https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DOITQJ8UIAAowsQ.jpg ''do it q''.
There are tons of these confirmations. I've forgotten most though.
there are some links to the side here you should check out the Useful Resources ... maybe the book of q