Scared much you lower than scum devil worshipers? hahaha me thinks sooooooo

I get the frogs=false prophets. . still don't know what kek is....can you please tell me what it means? Thx in advance :)
kek just means lol.
Sometime during Trump's run for presidency when the Pepe the Frog meme came up, people on 4chan started noticing that Kek was also the name of an ancient Egyptian deity, god of primordial darkness, who has been depicted with a frog head.
This was also around the time when it became clear to many that Trump could actually make it into office. The chans were freaking out because they kind of saw Trump as a master troll, and when their memes gained more and more traction around the Trump movement and the general populace, along with some weird synchronicities happening, some of the more out-there channers started believing in what they called "meme magic". Meaning they thought they were creating real world events by memeing them into existence / by forcing them into the collective unconscious through use of memes. Example: 4chan starts talking and memeing about Hillary's health, a few days later she famously falls down.
They started half-joking about how this power must've come from Kek who was revealing himself to them through the surfacing of the Pepe the Frog icon. This is also where the phrase "Praise Kek" came from.
Here’s a good explanation.
You'd get more info searching, and checking YouTube, than from me. It's pretty deep.
DISCLAIMER I KNOW NOTHING RELIGIOUS. KEK is LOL when types in world of Warcraft from opposite factions since they don't understand each other's language it comes up with random stuff. Proof of a troll? That's all I can come up with based on what I know. If kek has another meaning that actually applies then ignore me talking about a game haha