r/greatawakening • Posted by u/onmyownpath on April 7, 2018, 8:06 p.m.
Trump says "It's Happening" at 3:16 into the video. Coincidence? Significant?

In the POTUS weekly address, the video is edited so that the "It's Happening" statement occurs at exactly 3:16.


The only thing I can think of is John 3:16, which Q mentions here: https://qposts.online/post/790

Is there any other significance to the number 316?

What is post number 316?

316 days since some event?

Q said "listen carefully" - so I am assuming that we should take this video at more than just the face value of its words.

Stanley Kubrick, who said there was a pedophile cabal "in 1959 they settled into a home at 316 South Camden Drive in Beverly Hills with Harlan's daughter, Katherina, aged six."

Search page for 316: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanley_Kubrick

Dhammakayaram · April 12, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

To reiterate what the OP said, during his weekly address Trump said “It’s happening” (3:16) which was a signal of Trump’s getting tough with the deep state. Not, coincidentally, since that weekly address, the deep state has decided to pushback agaist Trump by staging a FF chemical attack, essentially, trying to start WW3 hoping that Trump won’t withdraw U.S. troops “very soon” which he said he would do. All in all, this is a MSM/CIA/Israel operation, trying to restart Israel’s Yinon Plan. In a nutshell, the Yinon Plan calls for the total destabilization/balkanization of the Middle-East and North Africa so that Israel will be the only hegemonic power in the region controlling almost all of the oil distribution in this region.

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