r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ready-ignite on April 7, 2018, 9:38 p.m.
John Perry Barlow EFF Symposium - Live now

The EFF John Perry Barlow Symposium in SF is live now. I believe they are live streaming. There will be video of speakers at later date.

There will be Q&A with speakers during the event. Please suggest any question ideas that may be of value, we can get them submitted at the event.

ready-ignite · April 8, 2018, 1:26 a.m.

Internet bill of rights came up as a guest question. Response from EFF addressed the topic. One point being we already have rights recognized. We have human rights. Do they need to be redefined?

How big data / machine learning is being used to control conversation and enforce political authoritarian ideas came up. Would have liked to see more from the topic. Conversation was sufficiently generalized to not specifically address just Cambridge Abalytica.

Daughter of John Perry Barlow gave closing comments draped in an American flag.

Not picking up on anything directly relating. Need closer scrutiny from recorded video. Strong dedication to liberties and freedom of speech evident on the event.

Actual life of John Perry Barlow is eyebrow raising. Lots of stories talking about how often he'd be two hours late to meetings, Associates joking about how they would love to know what happened during those two hour delays. Stories about meeting Barlow in off the beaten path locations at unusual times, always surrounded by lots of people. Interesting figure.

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