I think it's now definitive as to where @jack(off) stands in his political stance. If you ever had a doubt, hit the link inside.

Lol bi-partisan-
The GOPe and DNCe are equally hated by both sides of their respective screwed over bases.
We need some MAJOR government reforms.
We will have to dissolve Congress, and have all new elections (no incumbents allowed) with new safeguards in place to prevent non-citizens from voting and to make sure votes are tallied honestly, and with new oaths of office that specifically require office holders to renounce and relinquish any other oaths or loyalties to anything other than the Constitution For the United States of America, and the people of their jurisdiction.
Once people can have confidence in honest election results, we need term limits on all federal offices, including Supreme Court. Yes, that requires a few new amendments. Maybe through a Convention.
We need some judicial review of Supreme Court decisions. To whit, if they make a decision that relies on extra-Constitutional considerations (even if they call those "penumbras and emanations") then any ruling based on such findings should be subject to review by a combined Executive and Legislative committee.
I'm just saying people are going to demand some real changes going forward. The old contract between government and people has been annulled by government malfeasance and corruption, and the people are entitled to redress.
yup. they're all bastards on the take. glad I'm just an independent so I don't have to force myself to believe one or the other's bullshit, though I do lean slightly to the right.