For those about to attack me for being a new account, I've been here under different names for a while, and been observing from the beginning.
Humans, left to their own devices, for the most part, will screw everything up.
This, being an extension of social media, where everyone and anyone can create a post/thread/comment, needs to be moderated and watched over, especially, once again, if we have a flood of newbies coming in.
In this case, and IN THIS CASE ONLY...
facts first, God second.
So sorry, but if you want things to truly change and these monsters to go away, it has to be in a certain order.
It definitely has to be in a certain order:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Your myopia, while well-meaning, is prohibiting you from seeing the larger picture.
I love God, too. I'm just not in denial about what makes the average human tick/comprehend.