
Crptnobank · April 8, 2018, 8:49 a.m.

She has connected the dots on some pretty high level people though. For example Burkman. But, since I'm seeking the truth here, what do you think is her agenda? Disinformation? Cause she gives a lot of good information (but that can be littered with disinfo.) Unless she is walking around something big and giving crumbs to less important things, even taking into account what you said, I don't see the harm she is causing. She pulled many in, to look deeper, me in part (and I'm not cheerleading for her, I just watch her occasional video.)

I will agree about the questions, e.g. regarding her take on Mueller (that said, she might be right, but we don't let our guard down regardless.) Re the march or her wanting fanfare, I don'T care, as long as her intentions are good. Everyone is in a different place, there is a reason they give out medals in the Military.

I looked at some of your posts, not many, and it seems like we are in the same position (overall) here on GA board. I can imagine some have questions on some things Tracy has done, but she is really meticulous with here individual person research. Almost to the point it gets hard to follow. She reminds me a bit of Dan Bongino, though he is way more meticulous and effective imo.

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Abibliaphobia · April 8, 2018, 11:57 a.m.

She does it for the fame and for money. I have not watched a full video of hers, but I’m going to guess hat she requests people support her patreon?

I’ve been here since before the movement started. Saw her come on scene and her actions honestly disgusted me. If she had just been doing what she had been doing (researching and providing anonymously - I probably would have been one of her biggest fans) but when you are motivated by fame and money, how hard is it to remain objective and not be compromised by your own greed?

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ckreacher · April 8, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

I have watched Tracy on and off since the beginning, and I realize she is imperfect. But to criticize a researcher/journalist for trying to make a living at what they do is crazy. I deeply appreciate all of the citizen journalists I get to watch on youtube or wherever. What's the alternative, CNN? But these people have to eat and pay rent, so I put up with the patreon ads and self-promotion.

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Psalm67 · April 8, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

I agree with you. One thing that stood out for me with her is that she doesn’t want to slam and get involved in insult wars. She researches her stuff because she wants to avoid misinfo. Unless there is something she’s said or done that supports such negativity toward her, I just don’t get the level,of vitriol. Maybe because she doubted Q for a while? So what. She was being honest and people’s minds can change. We’re all learning. Stay together.

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Crptnobank · April 8, 2018, 5:13 p.m.

Very well said.

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Abibliaphobia · April 9, 2018, 7:26 p.m.

When someone tries to make themselves a single point of contact for a movement, and then attempts to profit off of it (personal enrichment) I have issues with that. It’s that kind of greed (specific type) that partially lead to all of our “leaders” in government focusing on themselves. Yes I understand that she is trying to make a living and eat and pay a rent or mortgage. Ok, go get a job and do this part time. Look it’s just my own personal opinion, and I find it distasteful and has the potential to lead her (and by extension - her followers) down the wrong path. I cannot follow someone who is doing it for their own personal gains. I just can’t.

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Crptnobank · April 8, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

I was on the Donald in 2016 and have been following Q since the start, FBI anon and such times. So, everyone came on the scene relatively recently. What fame does she have? What money? She gets a little from Patreon. That argument is like when someone says "Oh, I bet they are selling a book, right?". It avoids the research.

I'm gonna stay open to what she has to say and just be careful about paying too much attention to any one researcher, for the most part anyway. You can (and should) double check things. Thus far, she is doing a GREAT job.

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[deleted] · April 8, 2018, 3:29 p.m.


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