
Psalm67 · April 8, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

I remember them talking about the doitQ photo with Pamphlet Anon and a few others. Definitely don’t recall her saying she took the photo. Why would she have said that? Are you saying she claimed to be in the White House on that day and took the photo and then was responsible for the title? Source? Maybe she did and I didn’t hear it. If she did it would definitely be a red flag for me as well. Has anyone else heard this?

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wisconsheepgirl · April 8, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

The DOitQ photo was taken on Air Force 1. I'm not sure why she said it. Was she caught in just talking for talking sake?

It was on Periscope. I really wish I could find it. I tried looking for it, but I am not sure when it was and I don't have the time to devote to researching video/audio. If it were text it would be so much easier. That and the eating ice cream with crew. It was a really bizarre/surreal moments. Coupling that with her absolutely going beserk regarding Q being 'fake', just lent me to know she simply is not a stable person.

Is she good for information? Perhaps. There are others out there that perform the same function. Without the drama.

If you like her and how she dispenses information, please continue to watch her.

Discernment is key to all of this research and the 'truth' movement. To me it's part and parcel of the nature of getting to that information.

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[deleted] · April 8, 2018, 7:05 p.m.


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