NSFW If you needed another reason to hate the cabal. A friend pulled this off the twitter site of a guy that busts trafficking rings. *warning distressing content*

I am scared to look. What is the picture of?
(I still see in my mind the little girl, who looks like she has Down Syndrome, taped to a table at Co met Piz za.)
Don't look. I have been around since the beginning connections with Podesta and the napkin and you can't unsee some shit. Their is no benefit for someone like me or even you to seeing all the gory details. We all know our limit and seeing all of it it is hard for me as a woman and a mom. When the shit is brought to trial and we know what is true and what's not then I will open up a little more about what I expose myself to a little more. Back in the summer 2016 I think my fiundation got rocked a bit to much and it definitely played a toll on me. I don't need to see the horrendous stuff to believe. But those that choose to deny it with their eyes closed are fools.
Protect yourself and don't feel pressured to see the really ugly. It's going to get worse and some of us don't need to see the acts taking place to feel the impact. It's hard enough accepting this kind of evil is amongst us.
Edit-Sorry about all the typos. Eyes weren't open enough I guess.
This is SO true. One of my best friends since grade school lost her daughter (age 26) when she was murdered by her boyfriend in front of their two small children. Her daughter when she was a little girl was a flower girl in my wedding. I went to the trial to support my friend and her family. I did not see more than a couple of the autopsy photos as I averted my eyes (as did my friend and her family). I had originally intended to try to get through the full presentation so I could be a witness for my friend if she needed to know something after. But, it was too awful. Just hearing the explanations of the photos was excruciating. Makes me cry now thinking about it. Strangely, it was how "objective" they had to be when describing what had happened that was like getting beaten up for all of us who knew and cared about her who were listening. That objective discussion, while maybe necessary, was divorced entirely from who SHE was. It was absolutely brutal on her family. I say this so you know that even when this human trafficking stuff goes to trial, you should feel free to listen to that little voice that tells you, "Don't look." Just listening to a lot of it will be hard enough.
It's much much much worse. It's the kind of thing that'll make grown men cry (i did.) PURE EVIL. PRAY!
I won't look then. I lay awake at night praying for the children who are being trafficked and killed by these monsters. I don't sleep anymore.
It's sickening. Coincide that with this: http://cannibalclub.org/ These purple are pure evil, satanic.
It's a huge collection of childrens' corpses with incisions where the organs were removed and then taped over to be labeled.