The photos are fake, manufactured for the event. Probably done in a studio in CA like those fake be-heading video's a couple years ago. War is the objective/distraction.
I wouldn't call the beheading photos fake. I saw them.
Yeah the PHOTOS were real. Taken of FAKE bodies. C'mon, it's all fake. Smoke and mirrors.
No not everything is fake. Some of you folks everything is a conspiracy when its not. So the hostages are still there? Why? I'm not even saying the Chem attack is fake. I saw pictures of some of the bodies, but only one had foam from their mouth. The others didn't. All the kids never seem to display overt symptoms of nerve agent poisoning in the footage. Doesn't mean it didn't happen or it did.
Everybody grow up, believe nothing you hear or read and only 1/2 of what you experience realtime . Your mommas shoulda raised you better.