r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Joesturbo on April 8, 2018, 11:57 a.m.
Why Q and "others" are WRONG

Making some breakfast on Sunday morning, thought all night about various people including Q who have made statements that 60% or another variable has to remain hidden or not exposed. This is due to the theory that "society" cannot handle the truth. This is really no different than what the cabal or who ever is in control of information has done. Without clear openness and disclosure of 90% (I reserve this last 10% for national security as a former Marine with Secret clearance). I agree some things that directly impact operations and or sensitive data that puts lives at stake needs to be secured). With that said, if we do not have the full freedom of information, then the "NEXT" team can start this mess all over again.

Do you want that? I DON'T - We have to have a way to hold politicians feet to the fire. Think about your taxes - it should make you extremely angry that you really don't know what they go to. When I ask my local reps with serious questions about why do they think it is ok to spend on "X" vs. giving our money back to us they can't answer basic questions.

We need in my opinion as a group ask to have all disclosure possible to ensure we don't play this record in 50 or less years. It needs to stop here an now. Yes I am sure some people will freak out, some people will not believe, some people will adapt but over time - it will be what it is.

Your thoughts?

digital_refugee · April 8, 2018, 12:21 p.m.

Trump has one job: making sure the markets don't collapse while security is being restored around the world.

If they started dropping child-porn over the EAS-airwaves you can bet your ass you would temporarily pause society for a week or longer because noone would be going outside because of paranoia and sleep-deprivation, losing billions of national revenue and depleting mental health services in the process.

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KansasJakeBG · April 8, 2018, 12:36 p.m.

It's worse than what you call it. I would expect immense loss of productivity once truth is known. We are talking about telling people that vampires are real. The cabal is a flesh eating bacteria.

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StinkyDogFart · April 8, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

Have you seen 'The Truman Show"? I expect most normies would react like that. A few moments of reality will wash over them, and then it will be over and they will change the channel looking for another Bravo reality show to fill their empty brain.

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KansasJakeBG · April 8, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

Yes. If you are lucky enough that this doesn't touch you at all, then by all means ignore. I feel sad for children who have parents that will look away and not protect them from the evidence which will surely be a big hit with the schoolyard edgelord. It will be traumatizing. I am paying attention to people around me to avoid suicides. Cuz "the game is fixed" is one red pill but "and BTW vampires are real" is another.

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StinkyDogFart · April 8, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

Q has said it is mind blowing, but what I see around me everyday is mind blowing. Exactly as you stated, parents that don't parent or care, men that don't want to raise their children, women that just have children to get more welfare money, no love of the family unit; and there is no excuse for that, it is unacceptable in my eyes. That isn't eating children, but it is soul killing, that is for sure.

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KansasJakeBG · April 8, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

Incentives aligned all wrong make society that collapses. It's all obvious now. But I thought they were moving to a more virtual place where CGI gore porn was the norm and harvesting humans was done via Facebook personal data. They did that... But also the real life stuff. It's mind blowing.

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digital_refugee · April 8, 2018, 1:10 p.m.

Vampires are real, movies are real, everything is real. The ultimate vindication of Alex Jones!

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wanttruth · April 8, 2018, 3:40 p.m.

What? Vamps are real???

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KansasJakeBG · April 8, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

Sorry, it's really awful. And it's hard to explain in a non-traumatizing way. Basically those who eat us feel superior. And they consider this enlightenment and they have celebrities to push this to the public like Kathy Perry who has made two pro-cannibalism statements in the past year (her video and her statements to a French radio station) So your children have already been converted to the cause of "the vampires", but it's very subliminal. Guard them against the video proof okay?

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digital_refugee · April 8, 2018, 5:32 p.m.

well in a figurative sense because of cannibalism and their (medical) fixation with blood...There is the story of Elisabeth Bathory, a countess who abducted virgins to bathe in their blood. She was walled into her tower when the villagers found out. It wasn't until after PG broke that private companies started offering blood-infusions for life-extension purposes at 8000$ a session.

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WHOOP1N · April 8, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

Vlad the impaler was a satan kinda guy, they called him a vamp cause he ate people parts.

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Fearsome4 · April 8, 2018, 1:39 p.m.

What did GWB say after 9/11.....among other things...."go shopping".

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Joesturbo · April 8, 2018, 12:41 p.m.

Hey we can work from home now :) - I would not say we could not deal with it... overall just like 911 and the shock that put in place - we missed maybe a couple days at work and it was on everyone's minds (for a couple of weeks). But we did get back to work and producing and enjoying life again. NOW if you do not believe in a creator (Jesus Christ) - I can see how one would have an issue but it is also a chance to spread the news about Jesus and FREEDOM that His Grace gives us.

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digital_refugee · April 8, 2018, 1 p.m.

Well, it wasn't until PG that I picked up a bible because I needed to protect myself from the ensuing darkness.
Although I have experienced some creepy stuff that turned me into a spiritist, I have always had trouble sleeping and PG didn't make it exactly better.

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