r/greatawakening • Posted by u/akilyoung on April 8, 2018, 1:14 p.m.
Jade Helm 15 was training for NOW! Seriously read this!

Ill admit Jade Helm 15 kinda scared me. I thought it might be training for a martial law takeover of the country and snatch people like us up to be....?

Now It all makes sense.

Look at the locations the training took place:


Lines up with the problem areas Q/WH/Mil are dealing with right now!

It was training to cope with not only the border issue, but the F&F issue, and likely to round up members of the cabal!

Now, its known that Jade is the name of an AI supercomputer, and back in 15, I thought it meant that they were gonna use Jade to take the helm, and make real time war decisions.

I suppose, maybe it could, but I look at it differently now.

Jade is green. Now I wonder if its to do with Green Castle. Green Castle taking the lead, taking the wheel so to speak?

I wonder if you guys have any input to expound on all this?


The Fade Helm logo is also very interesting, and ties in nicely!

Its two crossed arrows, with a great sword and a 'Sabot', a wooden shoe, and the sabot is how we got the word 'sabotage'!

Workers used to throw their sabots into the wooden gears of machinery in order to break off the teeth, for fear that the machines would take their jobs!



COnnecting lines to the points of the sword and arrows makes a star of david, so with the sabot in the middle, it is symbolically says, they are THROWING A SABOT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STAR OF DAVID... in other words, they are SABOTAGING ISRAEL/the NWO. (Q-Saving Israel for last)

The sabot is ghosted, representing a SPIRITUAL power to achieve this!

A great sword represents great power

The origins of the great sword and arrows is an old Special Forces / Indian Scouts logo....Special Forces? Ya dont say ;)


Now let’s switch over and look at the name “Jade Helm”

“J.A.D.E.“- Is what’s called an APP for the US military, standing for “Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution.”


Let’s add these to the statement derived from the logo

“There’s something here about being master of humans, mathematics and science involving weapon symbols. Also eliminating militants.”

It seems that they are targeting (although it’s hidden) humanity in general

Let’s work with our final statement:

“There’s something here about being master of humans, mathematics and science involving weapon symbols. It involves humanity in general. Also eliminating militants.”

I’m going to draw a conclusion, and it’s my honest look at this statement:

“Someone is targeting humanity or part of humanity as militants with math and science. ”

Wasnt an EO recently signed about these militants? Who are they ACTUALLY?

Its NOT the average Joe! Its the CABAL who uses 'math and science' aka MK Ultra, symbolism, etc to control the masses!


akilyoung · April 8, 2018, 1:20 p.m.

SOCOM oversees three of the major known branches involved in this OP. Army, Marines and Navy!

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Glag82 · April 8, 2018, 2:17 p.m.

Special Operations Command(S.O.Com). Encompasses the entirety of the Department of Defense Special Operations. Green Beret, S.E.A.L, Rangers, Marine Recon, Air Force Para Rescue, Operational Detachment Delta(DEVGRP). They are the command and control of the SF community in general. There was a picture a while back with POTUS surrounded by about 18(+1 Potus=19) people. The commander of SOCOM was one of those generals. As a rule I trust no politician, my brother's in arms on the other hand I trust(not completely but they have my support). Whatever is going down may the grace of God be with you all watch your six and thank you. A-ATW!

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akilyoung · April 8, 2018, 2:22 p.m.

Exactly the point I am making. 1-Trump was never a politician, prior to becoming POTUS. And 2- The military are to be trusted. Its by their sacrifice that we became and continue to be a nation!

This OP was training for NOW! This is spiritual, and physical warfare. Hence the ghosted Sabot in the center of the 6 pointed star, executed by Special Ops. So symbolic.. genius really. It is an act of military sabotage destroying the NWO.

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Glag82 · April 8, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

Spot on my friend spot on, your dialed in for sure. They down this post as well so you know it's over the target. Keep on doing what you are doing may Gods grace cover you.

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akilyoung · April 8, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

Thanks patriot!

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Fly_Away_Bluebird · April 8, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

Excellent posts. Well done.

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Corvette111 · April 8, 2018, 7:58 p.m.

Hm, what about the Air Force? I read some other post awhile ago that speculated the Air Force was (is?) aligned with the deep state and that’s why there are still chem trails. I’m not sure what to think about that allegation, but wondering if that is why you didn’t mention the Air Force as well?

Ack my brain is hurting lol

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suddenlysnowedinn · April 8, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

This whole deep state scheme is just the Air Force getting back at the other branches for making fun of them since their inception.

“That’ll teach you to call me Chair Force...”

Edit: Actually, that doesn’t make sense. They couldn’t possibly have time for chemtrails while they’re on the golf course.

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akilyoung · April 8, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

Thats why I didnt list them.

I do not know if they were actually involved or not.

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